Rabu, 31 Januari 2018

DIW — Desentralisasi Keamanan Berbasis Blockchain

Baru-baru ini http://diwtoken.com/mengumumkan ICO yang akan datang karena baru saja memasuki tahap Whitelist di mana peserta awal diundang untuk bergabung dalam proyek ini dan berkontribusi pada harga serendah mungkin https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2567416.

Konsep unik DIW berencana untuk memecahkan kerentanan keamanan global terkait dengan data sensitif pribadi termasuk dokumen Identifikasi, rincian Bank, rincian Login dan catatan perawatan kesehatan untuk beberapa nama dengan diperkenalkannya Secure Digital Vault.

Ini akan menjadi pintu masuk ke direktori profesional dan individu global di mana transparansi akan diatur, memberikan tingkat keamanan dan kepercayaan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya di antara semua anggota. Gateway Pembayaran yang aman untuk situs web e-commerce, yang akan menerima mata uang fiat dan kripto, juga akan diperkenalkan dengan memungkinkan adopsi mainstream semua mata uang kripto.

Visi kami adalah untuk DIW untuk mencakup sektor ini dengan memungkinkan penyimpanan terenkripsi dan pembagian EHRs pribadi yang aman antara pemegang rekening dan laboratorium yang divalidasi, apoteker, dokter atau profesional perawatan kesehatan lainnya dengan opsi tambahan untuk memanfaatkan teknologi kontrak cerdas yang telah ditampilkan dalam jaringan DIW.

Data Untuk Branding

Di zaman sekarang ini, hanya ada sedikit sektor yang tidak terpengaruh oleh pertukaran data digital. Karena ketergantungan ini, pelanggaran merupakan ancaman langsung terhadap stabilitas dan keamanan sistem global kita. Laporan banjir pada kapan dan berapa banyak entitas telah terpengaruh oleh hal ini, dalam beberapa kasus hasil bencana. Komunitas global semakin sadar akan ancaman keamanan utama ini dengan setiap orang yang berusaha menemukan solusi untuk keselamatan dan ketenangan pikiran mereka.

Reaksi Global

Orang sehari-hari secara alami prihatin. Beberapa insiden hacking pribadi dan sosial Media telah mendistribusikan jutaan data pribadi individu yang sensitif dengan sebagian besar muncul kembali di Web Kegelapan dengan pkamungan yang tidak menyenangkan.

Profesional industri juga menjadi semakin lelah dalam hal efek pelanggaran data ini terhadap bisnis mereka. Sayangnya, dampak dari pelanggaran data ini terjadi tidak terbatas hanya pada aspek aspek digital tetapi juga aspek fisik, seperti keamanan dan keamanan aktual tempat mereka — bahkan kepemilikan properti telah dipertanyakan baru-baru ini. !

Dan kemudian ada pemerintah. FBI baru-baru ini memperingatkan bahwa ‘ancaman gigih terus menerus’ penyerang cyber semakin menargetkan informasi sensitif yang tersimpan di jaringan pemerintah secara global melalui spionase cyber. Dengan serentetan perang nuklir yang akan segera terjadi di cakrawala, satu pelanggaran data mungkin merupakan percikan yang dibutuhkan untuk memicu konfrontasi semacam itu dengan konsekuensi mengerikan.

Perhatian yang Valid

Ada 9 miliar data yang dicuri sejak tahun 2013 dengan 96% data dicuri bermanfaat dan bermanfaat bagi para hacker. Itu adalah catatan 60 yang mengerikan per detik!

Selama 2017 enam bulan pertama saja, sekitar 2 miliar catatan telah dilanggar dengan pemerintah, teknologi, pendidikan dan perawatan kesehatan yang sebagian besar dipukul sektor.

Jelas bahwa tren ini akan terus berlanjut dan semakin memburuk seiring berjalannya waktu kecuali perubahan mendasar terjadi.

Menumbuhkan Penipuan Online

Setiap tahun, semakin banyak orang menjadi scammed barang berharga mereka secara online. Kecenderungan tersebut dikatakan meningkat sebesar 14% setiap 3 tahun dengan persentase ini meningkat setiap tahunnya. Sebuah laporan baru-baru ini mengungkapkan bahwa 75% perusahaan yang termasuk dalam survei global telah jatuh korban penipuan dengan 69% dari kerugian finansial ini.

Angka dalam hal individu yang scammed setelah melakukan transaksi online dengan kerugian finansial berikutnya dikatakan lebih tinggi karena individu kurang siap dan lebih rentan terhadap serangan. Menemukan individu dan bisnis yang dapat dipercaya dan profesional bekerja sama, terbukti semakin sulit.

Jelas bahwa ada sesuatu yang perlu dilakukan jika kita ingin melihat pasar yang transparan sepenuhnya dan juga cara pertukaran dana yang aman.

Memanfaatkan Mata Uang Crypto

Dalam kurun waktu hanya 12 bulan, total market cap semua mata uang Crypto telah mengalami kenaikan 1700%! Pada saat penulisan, ia telah melampaui angka $ 600 miliar.

Tapi ada tangkapan: Mata uang Crypto hanya digunakan di komunitas kripto dan pertukaran online tidak dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Jelas bahwa ada kebutuhan besar akan kripto-mata uang untuk diterima secara luas oleh pemimpin penjualan ritel global  e-commerce.

Proposal DIW

DIW dengan ICO yang akan datang, berencana untuk menjembatani dan menyelesaikan semua masalah yang telah disebutkan di atas dengan diperkenalkannya jaringan global berbasis blockchain dan terdesentralisasi yang lengkap dengan ekosistem dan mata uangnya sendiri.

Untuk mendapatkan akses ke jaringan, anggota akan diberi Secure Vault, di mana mereka dapat menyimpan seluruh ‘Digital Life’ mereka termasuk dokumen seperti identitas, paspor, KYC & KYS, kontrak keuangan, catatan kesehatan serta rincian masuk.

Organisasi serta individu di seluruh dunia, akan dapat bergabung dan menukar layanan mereka dalam bentuk Direktori Global. Jaringan akan memastikan identitas mereka divalidasi dan detailnya akurat. Transaksi akan selesai dalam transparansi penuh dan semua anggota jaringan akan dapat melihat kinerja kehidupan nyata masing-masing anggota dalam bentuk skor rating.

Token DIW akan digunakan dan diterima di seluruh jaringan untuk transaksi antar anggota, memungkinkan keamanan yang lebih tinggi. Layanan keamanan tambahan seperti layanan escrow berbasis kontrak digital juga akan ditawarkan.

Untuk melengkapi semua ini dan mengikuti tren kriptocurrency, DIW berencana untuk memperkenalkan Payment Gateway sendiri yang akan mudah diintegrasikan ke dalam situs web e-commerce yang menerima FIAT dan juga mata uang Crypto yang memungkinkan penggunaan mata uang kripto dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Fase INW & ICO

DIW berencana untuk melanjutkan proyeknya dalam Fase berdasarkan dana yang diinvestasikan.

  • Tahap 1: pengenalan brankas digital aman
  • Tahap 2: Gateway Pembayaran
  • Tahap 3: pengembangan dan penyebaran Direktori Global DIW
  • Tahap 4: Layanan Escrow berbayar dalam bentuk kontrak cerdas bersama dengan layanan lainnya akan diperkenalkan
  • Tahap 5: memasukkan Health Electronic Records (EHRs) sektor Kesehatan.

Layanan tersebut akan diamankan dan dikelola oleh jaringan blockchain terdesentralisasi yang akan menyimpan semua data yang sangat terenkripsi dan juga tersedia bagi pemiliknya yang sah setiap saat.

Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, DIW berencana untuk melanjutkan crowdfunding yang akan memungkinkan hasil proyeknya. Baru saja memasuki tahap Whitelist — tahap awal ICO-nya.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut serta update mengenai proyek dan pengembangannya, termasuk banyak rincian menarik mengenai komposisi tim, pendukung dan teknologi, pihak yang berkepentingan diundang untuk bergabung dengan daftar putih tersebut dengan mengisi formulir yang sesuai yang terdapat di situsnya — https : //www.diwtoken.com

Rincian Informasi :

Website : https://diwtoken.com/

Whitepaper : https://docsend.com/view/qr8a4u7

Telegram : https://t.me/diwtoken

Twitter : https://twitter.com/diwtoken

Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/diwtoken/?_rdc=1&_rdr

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/diwtoken/

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350

Selasa, 30 Januari 2018

COPYTRACK-The Future of Global Copyright Registration

We believe in a decentralized economy and cryptocurrency community. We are now starting a bounty campaign so participants can help introduce COPYTRACK to the community, and get free tokens as a bounty reward. In the COPYTRACK ICO there will be 100 000 000 CPY tokens issued in total. Website : https://copytrack.io/bounty As a bounty reward, we will distribute 1 000 000 CPY tokens, which equals to 1% of all CPY tokens issued in the ICO.

You can participate in our bounty program by signing up with your e-mail and wallet address. As soon as you are registered you can start earning bounty-steaks. Your earned bounty reward CPY tokens will be send to your registered wallet at the end of the ICO.


COPYTRACK is a fair online platform for publishers, photographers, image agencies,and e-commerce vendors.

our services are outlined as follows:

  • Post-licensing in over 140 countries.
  • Legal advice by qualified lawyers.
  • “One-click” case management.
  • Personal customer service.

The benefits for rights-holders are:

  • Free use of platform.
  • Zero risk of legal enforcementFo.
  • cus: “post”-licensing.
  • Fair approach for both parties.

Technological Features.

COPYTRACK is no stranger to technology and has developed state of the art features to automate nearly every step in our process. We strive to be innovative and utilize the newest technologies to our advantage. Our dedicated technical team currently ensure the integrity of 8 different processes.
Please see the full list at https://copytrack.io/bounty

1.High-Performance Web-Crawler Our High-Performance Web-Crawler searches millions of websites worldwide every day.

2.Unique image matching Our unique image matching engine compares our customer’s images with all findings. Cropping, changes and editing will be recognized and considered.

3.Automatic securing of evidence COPYTRACK secures all relevant evidence automatically in order to ensure a successful enforcement.

4.Automatic detection of period of use COPYTRACK detects automatically how long the image was used online.

5.Automatic calculation of compensation value Based on a complex evaluation matrix, COPYTRACK automatically generates the compensation value.

6.Automatic Rights Clearing Portal COPYTRACK’s „Settlement-Portal“ allows the infringing party to view the case and evidence, to prove legal licensing or subsequently license the image, and to pay online automatically.

7.Automatic detection of infringing party All images found online are automatically categorized per country including the infringing party’s data. Sophisticated bots collect all necessary information from the targeted website.

8.PCI compliance COPYTRACK complies with the highest PCI security standards (bank-level). Registered collection-service provider. COPYTRACK is licensed as a collection service provider in the German legal service register.

Mission Statement

COPYTRACK will set the precedent for a global, transparent and decentralized register for copyrights of digital content. At the same time, COPYTRACK will implement the first use-case for the decentralized ledger: The Global Copyright Register for Images. It will be followed by a marketplace for digital images and other external business models are free to interface with the open ledger.


Currently, COPYTRACK’s services are geared towards searching for our customers’ images across the web. If there is a successful match, we then move forward with enforcement and licensing. However, we will expand our services to include registering images via the blockchain and provide a new marketplace for artists and buyers.

Platform Features

Our initial vision of the decentralized content registration of the future consists of 4 parts: a decentralized file storage using IPFS, metadata, a persistent identity for both artists and fans, and a fully-functional licensing and payments solution.

1.Decentralized File Storage. Decentralized and distributed file storage systems enable redundant data that is fault-tolerant, resilient, censorship-resistant, and self-sustaining due to built-in incentive systems. Technologies such as the Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS) and Swarm use peerto-peer networks to transmit information, eliminating the need for the fragile and siloed databases of centralized service providers today. Data is content-addressable so that it can be retrieved using a cryptographic hash of the data itself rather than the location of a specific entity’s server, leading to a fast and future-proof solution.

2.Metadata — Constellate. An open, global database of rights-holders and their works allows service providers to more easily license the works for myriad use cases. In order to do so, a modern, machine-readable, content-addressed metadata standard is required. Constellate incorporates the collaborative COALA IP specification, extended to interface with Ethereum ontologies (EthOn).

3.Persistent Identity — uPort. Artists spend years putting effort into their creative work, and fans spend similar amounts of time curating their collections. In the digital age, a service can shut down and take all of that away. A decentralized network to manage content control is benefiical to both fans and artists. Artists no longer have to worry about losing control of their content, and fans will not lose access to materials that they have already purchased.

4.Licensing + Payments — CPY-Token. CPY will be the native token on our blockchain platform, and one use is for payment in our flexible and modular licensing systems. This enables automated payments to rights-holders based on licenses they design themselves in our friendly and easy-to-use interface. The blockchain and underlying smart contract interface can be extended to incorporate a wide range of additional functionality such as programmatic contracts, variable pricing, and payment routing.

COPYTRACK´s Current & Future Business Model

Transparency for Ownership and Licensing of Digital Content

Currently, COPYTRACK’s services are geared towards searching for our customers’ images across the web. If there is a successful match, we then move forward with enforcement and licensing. However, we will expand our services to include registering images via the blockchain and provide a new marketplace for artists and buyers.

COPYTRACK will set the precedent for a global, transparent and decentralized register for copyrights of digital content. At the same time, COPYTRACK will implement the first use-case for the decentralized ledger: The Global Copyright Register for Images, followed by a transparent Image Marketplace.

Free & Open Copyright Register

The Future of Digital Content

Our new platform consists of 5 layers and begins with creating an account, followed by the upload of images, proof of authorship and ends with the artist exercising full copyright control. After creating an account, an artist will upload an image.

We will then perform an audit on the authenticity of the authorship and if successful provide a blockchain- based certificate to prove ownership. From here on out, the artist maintains complete copyright control.

Strategic Partnerships

1.KPMG International

  • International Tax Advisory
  • International VAX Advisory
  • Accounting

2. EOS Group (part of OTTO business Group)

  • Operations of Collection Department
  • Operations of Legal Enforcement
  • Operations of sub-ledgers

The Future of Global Copyright Registration

At the core of COPYTRACK is the creation of a global decentralized copyright register for digital content, which authenticates users and links digital intellectual property. This registry will generate a unique ecosystem for rights-holders, thereby providing new e-client marketplaces. With its cutting edge technology and processes, it is well-suited to globally address the key challenges in the industry and will be open to the public.

Licensing + Payments — CPY-Token

CPY will be the native token on our blockchain platform. It will be used for payment in our flexible and modular licensing systems. This enables automated payments to rights-holders based on licenses they design themselves in our friendly and easy-to-use interface. The blockchain and underlying smart contract interface can be extended to incorporate a wide range of additional functionality such as programmatic contracts, variable pricing, and payment routing.

Token Sale

Token Distribution

Token Allocation



Advisory Team

More Information :

Website : https://copytrack.io/bounty

Whitepaper : https://copytrack.io/pdf/Copytrack_ICO_Whitepaper.pdf

ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2618918.0

Twitter : https://twitter.com/copytrackhq

Telegram : https://t.me/copytrackhq/

Steemit : https://steemit.com/@copytrackhq

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350

Minggu, 28 Januari 2018

YourBlock-Blockchain based comparison and incentivised personal data storage platform

YourBlock, aiming to be the fi rst Blockchain based comparison and incentivised based Personal Data storage platform Allowing the consumer secure access to quotes for products and services when the consumer wants Smart contracts between the consumer and service providers completed on the Blockchain.

YourBlock will store the consumers’ personal and sensitive data on its own private Blockchain; it would be too dangerous to store it on the public Blockchain. YourBlock will “anchor” to the public Ethereum Blockchain to prove/achieve immutability and data integrity, without making the data itself publicly visible. The consumers’ data will only be visible to permissioned participants on the private YourBlock Blockchain.

YourBlock will provide consumers with the power to control their personal data, and freewill to choose who, and when to engage with. We intend to put consumers in a position where they have control of their data, have the ability to easily communicate transparently with service providers, and to eliminate any confusion surrounding the contracts both parties enter into.

YourBlock will not only be of benefi t to the consumer, but will also help service providers on the YourBlock platform. Provided these service providers aren’t taking personal and sensitive data from other organisations, they will no longer need to spend excessive amounts of money on highly secure IT infrastructure. They will no longer need to hold their customers personal and sensitive data on their systems. Insurers will no longer have to pay excessive costs to software houses for the set up and maintenance of their underwriting guides.

YourBlock will allow both consumers and service providers a secure area to transact business, to manage that account securely throughout the contract term.

The YourBlock platform will off er several benefi ts to both consumers and service providers:

Consumer benefi ts:

  • Financial savings by sharing commission/origination fees earned by YourBlock, through simple price comparisons and alerts, and through smart tracking of spend on services
  • Time savings and convenience by only having to maintain and share a single Blockchain digital fi ling cabinet, and by using smart contracts for simplifi ed claims, modifi cations, cancellations and renewal processes
  • Higher data privacy by controlling who and when service providers get access. Limiting access to only the data absolutely necessary to off er the service
  • Greater transparency on comparable services and on policy/ contract terms
  • The more users on the platform the greater the chance to get better deals with the service providers for their products and services.

Service Provider benefi ts:

  • Improved consumer data quality, kept up to date post onboarding
  • Automated compliance with the EU’s new complex GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) data privacy regulations
  • Cost savings and improved customer experience enabled by the automation of onboarding and claims, modifi cations, cancellations and renewals of policies/contracts.
  • Reduced insurance fraud through the use of automated smart contracts

There are several additional benefi ts to related parties in each industry. For example, in the Insurance space, the following parties will also greatly benefi t from YourBlock: re-insurers; industry watchdogs; brokers; regulators and law enforcers.


YourBlock is aiming to be the fi rst Blockchain based comparison and incentivised Personal Data storage platform. A Blockchain digital fi ling cabinet, designed from the ground up to address the need of consumers to have somewhere safe and secure to store their data, data that they use on a daily basis to manage their dayto-day lives.

Think of YourBlock as that drawer at home where you keep all your Insurance documents, utility bills, passport, driving licence, bank statements, and other personal documents. YourBlock is addressing the very real need under GDPR, which comes into force May 25th 2018 for secure data protection across Europe and also in accordance with similar legislation across the rest of the world.

YourBlock will off er consumers a single secure digital fi ling cabinet for their personal information, which can be used to quickly obtain product and service quotations. Thereby avoiding the usual indefi nite (and often unknown) sharing of their data with data traders and other unknown third parties. Consumers will always control their data and who has permission to access it or a subset of it.

Purchasing a service will result in entering into transparent smart contracts with a selected service provider, which will greatly simplify subsequent claims, modifi cations, cancellations and renewals.

As consumers complete the onboarding process and verify their KYC (Know Your Customer) they will be rewarded with a small amount of YBK tokens. To incentivise the consumer to add more data they will be rewarded with a further small amount of YBK tokens. This process will continue throughout the lifecycle of consumer platform usage with token incentives to keep data up to date and clean. On completing a purchase with a service/product provider, they will also be rewarded with YBK tokens.

Consumers will onboard with the application by interacting with an AI-enabled Chatbot: Dave. Dave will facilitate the process of adding/updating personal information, requesting quotations and entering into contracts with service/product providers. Consumers will also be able to track all their policies/contracts and spend from a simple dashboard that integrates seamlessly with their bank account(s).

Consumers will be safe in the knowledge that their data is secure and that they will not be marketed to, or have their data sold on.

Thanks to YourBlock, consumers will enter their data once, in a secure location, controlled, managed and kept up to date by the consumers’ themselves. YourBlock returns quotes without the Service Providers receiving access to any of their information. It’s only at the point the consumer selects and purchasers a particular service or product, that they then get limited and controlled access to the consumers data, within the safety of the YourBlock environment.

YourBlock aims to disrupt consumer-based service industries, starting with insurance and utility services. The objective is to remove the middle-men such as price-comparison sites by creating an incentivised, Blockchain-based cloud platform that allows for simple, transparent and consistent interactions between consumers and service/product providers.

YourBlock YBK Token Economics

200,000,000 issued YBK Tokens.

YBK Token Value = €0.50.

The number of YBK tokens being released is fi nite (200,000,000) and the YBK tokens will be used as an incentive and reward on the platform. Therefore it is envisaged that YourBlock will have to actively take part in purchasing YBK tokens on a secondary market, in order to meet future demands.

YourBlock will also encourage companies with which it has commercial arrangements to use YBK tokens as a multi product loyalty reward. A secondary market could play an important role in that distribution, and YourBlock will arrange secondary market listings as quickly as possible following the Token Sale.

YourBlock may also charge its commercial partners a small number of YBK tokens to access and make changes to their pricing plans on the YourBlock platform.

YourBlock through Dave & You aims to generate income through product and service providers paying a fee for the consumer purchase of their service or product on YourBlock’s Blockchain platform.

Product and service providers will not need to worry about aspirational quotes, or holding personal and sensitive data on their systems. There will be no large costs from aggregator software platforms holding their pricing and underwriting guides.

Users of the Dave & You App and website will have gone through the process and time to sign up and register, with a full KYC process, and the data they enter in to their own digital fi ling cabinet will in most cases be of a higher quality than that they perhaps might enter in to a price comparison website.

YBK tokens will also be used to incentivise the user to keep all of their data up to date.

The participants of the YourBlock token sale will be able to use their YBK tokens to make purchases of insurance and utility products. If they do not wish to use their tokens to purchase services they can also use their YBK tokens for discounts on the services.
The YBK token works on the economics of participation and collaboration.

Dave & You Participation — As more users participate in the ecosystem by entering more of their and their families personal data, and through this purchasing more services, YourBlock aim to bring more value back to both the consumer and service provider.

The service provider will be getting accurate and real time leads. YourBlock can work to charge a higher fee for the lead and in turn pass back more YBK tokens to the user.

The more users of Dave and You there are, We can arrange bigger discounts on the products and services.

With more participants of Dave & You we can create better ratings of the service providers, which in turn will help not only the users to make a more informed choice of a service or product, but give valuable feedback to the Service Providers, so they can make changes and better their services.

Service Providers will be approached to off er discounted deals that cover more than one service or product to large groups of consumers.

We can analyse the users of Dave & You, through this we can assist them with possible changes they can make with their Service Providers for better deals, not only from a price point, but one that may off er them a better all round service.

Dave & You Collaboration — YourBlock will work toward collaboration between the users and the service providers.

Service Providers will be able to collaborate with users of Dave & You and tailor certain products and services to meet the users requirements.

Users of Dave & You through collaboration can help each other and off er their own advice on the products and services to other users.

Users and Service Providers through collaboration can assist YourBlock in it’s development and usability.

Contracts are smart in terms of showing vital information such as cooling off periods. Reminders are sent to the consumer, cancellation rates and charges are displayed, and renewal dates monitored.

Market Statistics

Average Monthly Household Expenditure — Data below does not include all household expenditure, and is taken from a number of sources and is reported against diff erent periods in time.

Core Details

YBK — YourBlock Token

The YBK token will be rewarded to the consumer in two stages on the Dave & You platform. As the consumer inputs their personal data and documents they will be rewarded with YBK tokens.

Example: Consumer completes all fi elds needed to receive a quote for motor insurance, at this point (provided that they fulfi l the KYC criteria) they will be rewarded with YBK tokens.

Once a consumer purchases a service through Dave & You they will be rewarded with YBK tokens.

YBK Token Sale Terms

YourBlock aims to raise €30 million Euros from the Token Sale. A maximum of €10 million will be taken in the Pre Sale (although the number of tokens to be issued is variable, depending upon the discount level). Those participating in the Pre Sale will be subject to lock in periods, subject to the amount they purchase.

Given Pre Sale discounts, it is likely that more than 60 million YBK tokens will be required for the total YourBlock token sale. Where more tokens are required they will be taken from the Incentive and Reward pool (mentioned below).

The Incentive and Reward Pool will be ring fenced. We will build in an audit element on the Blockchain that clearly shows the YBK tokens passed to consumers who register on the YourBlock platform, enter their data correctly, and then purchase a product on the platform. We will work closely with an audit partner to achieve this.

YBK Supply

  • Total token supply = 200 Million (200,000,000) YBK tokens
  • 30% of YBK tokens sold to public in the token sale.
  • YBK Value = €0.50
  • Hard Cap = €30 Million
  • Soft Floor = €5 Million

Basic Terms

Pre sale start date: 18th December 2017 — €10 Million Discount on pre sale YBK tokens up to 40%  Lock in periods will apply

  • Pre sale end date: 15th January 2018
  • Main sale start date: 15th January 2018
  • Main sale end date: 26th February 2018


Team and Advisors

Daniel Antcliff — CEO and Founder

Ben Antcliff — CMO

David Antcliff — CFO

Mat Brazier — Senior Data Analyst

Richard Stringer — Business Development Manager

Richard Earl — Marketing Strategist

Rob Mazik — COM

Simon Hewlett — CTO

Jamie Greenwood — CIO

Matthew Waters — CISO

Andy Hague — Cyber Security & Storage Expert

George Higginson – Insurance and Compliance Expert

Details Information :

Website : https://yourblock.io/

Whitepaper : https://yourblock.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/YourBlock-White-Paper-18-12-2017.pdf

ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2716837

Telegram : https://t.me/ybyourblock

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIvR9rlDRlY

Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/WeAreYourBlock/?_rdc=1&_rdr

Twitter : https://twitter.com/weareyourblock

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350

Kamis, 25 Januari 2018

Bitcoin Atom(BCA) — Decentralized Digital Asset Exchange

on this occasion I will explain about and detail a project named BITCOIN ATOM (BCA), and here is an explanation:

Bitcoin Atom (BCA) brings a truly decentralized way of digital asset exchange — with on-chain atomic swaps on board. By using built-in hash time-locked contracts (HTLCs) and its own HTLC API, Bitcoin Atom attempts to disrupt the way we exchange cryptocurrencies today, giving independence from intermediaries and any centralized entities.

We believe that most cryptocurrency trades should be conducted on-chain in a decentralized way, as per the original Bitcoin’s approach to transacting in a completely trustless environment.

Atomic Swaps (AS), currently implemented via HTLCs on-chain and potentially via Lightning Network (LN) off-chain, bring an ability to swap assets directly between blockchains without any intermediaries involved. This ability is called atomic cross-chain trading, and we propose the Bitcoin Atom’s support for it at its core, by bringing AS API and a set of cross-chain trading utilities into the original Bitcoin core software and forking it into BCA.

Bitcoin Atom’s AS model is expected to bring transparency to digital asset trading, as attempts to churn volume via on-chain atomic swaps will be detectable by passive observers. This means that users cannot show up with a small amount of coins and then create a ton of fake volume covertly.

BCA network is additionally secured by utilizing the so-called hybrid consensus: both PoW and PoS models are put in place, increasing network stability and reducing the power of miners, hence lowering the 51% attack probability. Despite having Proof-of-Stake in addition to Proof-of-Work, Bitcoin Atom is not inflationary in terms of emission as PoS only serves the goal of decentralizing network power. Max supply of BCA remains the same as of the original Bitcoin (21M).

What is Bitcoin Atom(BCA)???

Bitcoin Atom (BCA) is a SegWit enabled Bitcoin fork with atomic swaps, hybrid consensus and lightning network.


Bitcoin Atom is a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain with major protocol upgrades that will occur in January (block number 505 888). At the predetermined block number the original BTC blockchain will be forked into BCA, and any transactions made since then will be completely separate on Bitcoin and Bitcoin Atom networks. At that moment, Bitcoin Atom will go live on mainnet and become a fully functional cryptocurrency.

All Bitcoin holders who possess their private keys at the moment of the fork (block number 505 888) will receive Bitcoin Atom at the rate of 1 BTC = 1 BCA. You need to control your Bitcoin private keys in order to claim and transact Bitcoin Atom.

Subsequently, the BCA team will focus on atomic cross-chain trading toolkit development, as well as integrating the LN model with off-chain swaps into Bitcoin Atom. The roadmap covering these milestones can be found on the official BCA website (see below).

Project’s core values bounty bitcoin atom coposed is:

  • Independence
  • Decentralization
  • Transparency


  • Ticker Symbol: BCA
  • Max Supply: 21 Million
  • Distribution: Mining, Minting, Claiming
  • PoW algorithm: SHA256
  • PoW Block Interval: 10 Minutes
  • PoS Block Interval: 10 Minutes
  • Block size (actual): 1M (2–4M)
  • Difficulty adjustment: 2 Weeks
  • Avg tx confirmation time: 5 Minutes
  • Atomic swaps: Yes
  • Segwit: Yes
  • Replay protection: Yes
  • Unique address format: Yes

Key Benefits of the Atom swap above centered stock

  • Better Trade.
  • DELETE delays (caused by missing deposit / withdrawals, server downtime, etc.)
  • RETENTION your private key, preventing the possibility of losing your coins (ie Mount Gox).
  • MINIMIZE potential security breach.
  • Keep your personal identity (without any verification process).
  • DECENTRALIZE entire trading process so it is very peer-to-peer.
  • REDUCE trading costs to a minimum.


BCA network is additionally secured by utilizing the so-called hybrid consensus: both PoW and PoS models are put in place, increasing network stability and reducing the power of miners, hence lowering the 51% attack probability.

Bitcoin Atom development team is working on the LN implementation, allowing for instant off-chain atomic swaps. LN transactions are cheaper, more useful for smaller transactions and have better privacy properties.

This project seems very interesting and here we provide you with basic information.

We try to bring you closer to this promising project, but to know all the information, to the level of detail, we recommend that you see official blogs, very detailed and clear to understand, you are an expert or a beginner. in blockchain technology, which can be found at the following link: https://medium.com/@bitcoinatom

Bounty Campaign

You can also participate through the so-called bounty program. This means you can support projects through social networks, help founders in translations, blogs, participate in signature campaigns, etc. For more information see: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2567797.0


is a place where you can find the best information and people’s opinions on this project, but you can also ask questions and the people who work on the project will be happy to answer or help you if needed. Thread with project announcement: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2515675.0

There is nothing else we want to do for those who work on this project, and also those who will support it. Bitcoin Atom brings the true preference to the crypto currency market and we believe it will be a complete success, and you should not forget to go to https://bitcoinatom.io/ and find out everything you’re interested in.



For More Information :

Website : https://bitcoinatom.io/

Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/atombitcoin?_rdc=1&_rdr

Twitter : https://twitter.com/atombitcoin

Telegram : https://t.me/bitcoinatom

ANN THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2515675.0

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350

Rabu, 24 Januari 2018


TokenStars platform have 12 modules for the community and CHARITY Click this link https://tokenstars.com/charity for TokenStars Charity if how it works.

TokenStars ICO is already LIVE. Token Sale started +40% Bonus till 10 January, 12:00pm PDT and have additional 5% bunos those investors who participate 1Bitcoin and above.

Star ICO Module: tokenizing time

The star conducts his personal ICO, gets upfront payment for various exclusive communications with the fans (locker-room tour, dinners, chats, merchandize).

Some offers are sold at auctions. Offers like video chats have unlimited number of participants. Celebrity time is a precious and limited resource. Which is a fundamental growth factor.

‘An Olympic champion’ presells 50 hours of his communications with the fans, who redeem tokens on 1 on 1 training with the star, VIP dinner, a video chat and other exclusive offers.

Blockchain Technology

TokenStars choice of blockchain as underlying technology of the TokenStars platform allows us to build transparent, scalable and verifiable system for all platform participants, especially for fans, scouts, promoters and advertisers. TokenStars will grant fans community leaders with tools to audit the 14 records of blockchain distributed ledger to prove the transparency of interaction and avoid the potential conflicts between the participants.

During the expansion amount (which is four years in lawn tennis, zero in poker) the fans will redeem tokens for numerous services, provided by the rising stars.

Fans support 14-year recent ‘Maria Sharapova’, she wins suburbia at seventeen. The platform receives half-hour commission, paid in tokens.

Star ICO Module: tokenizing time

The star conducts his personal ICO, gets direct payment for numerous exclusive communications with the fans (locker-room tour, dinners, chats, merchandize).
Some offers square measure oversubscribed at auctions. Offers like video chats have unlimited variety of participants. Celebrity time could be a precious and restricted resource. that could be a elementary protein.

‘An Olympic champion’ presells fifty hours of his communications with the fans, United Nations agency redeem tokens on one on one coaching with the star, VIP dinner, a video chat and different exclusive offers
Star ICO Module: tokenizing financial gain

At a stage II once tokenizing time, TokenStars platform can facilitate stars tokenize their financial gain. A rising star would possibly sign a binding agreement that grants sure proportion of future personal incomes reciprocally for direct payment.
This will presumably create the token a security token. So, the right registration and legal framework can ought to be enforced before launching this module.

‘Hollywood star’ is pinched once the divorce and rehab. He tokenizes two hundredth of his future incomes reciprocally for fans’ support nowadays. He makes successful picture show, pays out two hundredth in tokens.
Scouting Module — Find the players

Detail of Token

  • NAME : Token Stars
  • TOKEN PRICE : 1 TEAM = 0,0001 BTC
  • SOFT CAP : $1,000,000
  • HARD CAP : $15,000,000
  • Total Supply : 75,000,000 TEAM

Details Information :

Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2043613.0

Website : https://tokenstars.com

Whitepaper : https://tokenstars.com/upload/files/team_whitepaper.pdf

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/TokenStars/

Twitter : https://www.facebook.com/TokenStars/

Telegram : https://t.me/tokenstars

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350

Senin, 22 Januari 2018

Boosteroid-platform that provides convenient access to computing power, storages and software products.

What is Boosteroid

Boosteroid is a cloud services platform that provides convenient access to computing power, storages and software products.

Cloud computer will allow to process video, create 3D-graphics, play games requiring high computer performance or carry out machine learning even on the device with the lowest performance. The only thing that user needs is a stable connection to the high-speed Internet.

It will be possible to access computing power both via browser and a desktop app that will have a single account on mobile devices and PCs.

Users will be able to choose programs they need and launch them immediately: the system will choose necessary computing power. Advanced users will be able to change the settings of their cloud computer themselves. Users will pay for the service with BTR tokens, as well as USD, BTC and ETH.

Boosteroid project implementation

Technical implementation of the Boosteroid project consists of software and hardware parts.

Hardware part will include a lot of heterogeneous computing systems,

combined into a single high-speed infrastructure:

  • servers based on modern general-purpose Intel or AMD processors;
  • servers, which include NVIDIA or AMD graphics accelerators and graphics cards;
  • servers, which include Intel graphics accelerators;
  • high-speed switching equipment.

Server architecture will be based on:

  • Intel Xeon E5, E7 v4 or 5 processors;
  • AMD EPYC 7000 series processors;
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics cards;
  • NVIDIA Tesla P100, Tesla V100 and AMD Radeon Instinct graphics accelerators;
  • Intel Xeon Phi 7000 series accelerators.

High Performance Computing Cloud Structure

A fault-tolerant, distributed, redundant storage system will be used in the Boosteroid project. Also, block-level stores are provided. In addition to the main data stores, a long-term storage with a large amount of memory will be built.

10Gb and 100Gb Ethernet switches will be used as communication equipment. They support the operation of the system infrastructure, high-speed computing network and data warehouse replication.

Software part will be based on software products, designed for server, storage and network virtualization, as well as IT-infrastructure transformation into stable automated computing environment.

This concept will allow to create many virtual computers within a computing cloud based on Intel Xeon processors and graphics accelerators (cards) NVIDIA with minimal capacity losses.

It will be possible to use the service both on PCs and mobile devices as the access to Boosteroid will be provided via browser, regardless of the operation system.

We will develop user-friendly interface to provide convenient work in the cloud and ensure quick access to Boosteroid services. Users will be able to connect to a cloud computer via VPN and use particular apps, models and games.

To start using the service a user should sign up on the website or in the app, providing their email or their login and password.
Then the user will receive an email with a link to activate an account.

After that the system will offer to choose needed rental time (hours) and several payment options for a configured cloud computer. It will be possible to skip this step and complete it later.

There will be several payment options: 
- with BTR tokens purchased earlier;
- with BTR tokens purchased via Boosteroid exchange service;
- with a credit card. Any currency converted to USD is accepted;
- with cryptocurrency.

Then the user will see a main screen where icons of the most commonly used apps, settings, cloud storage and Boostore application store will be displayed. It will be possible to change the location of icons and move them.

There will be both paid and free apps in BooStore. In the application store the user can choose software products and cloud computer rental time if it has not been done earlier. The user will select needed time and add apps to the cart where a final cost is calculated. The system will offer to pay for selected apps. To make a payment users should connect their credit card providing card holder’s first name and last name, type of the card — Mastercard or Visa, card expiration date and card verification value (CVV number).

Users will see their reserved rental time and selected apps in the personal account when the payment is made.

Then the user can choose the needed app and start it. Each app is launched in a separate window. It is possible to launch several apps available in the personal account at the same time. When users access Boosteroid services via browser they will receive a notification that they can enjoy maximum performance if they download BoostApp desktop application.

It will be possible to play games or use apps that require high resolution video stream only via BoostApp desktop application. 15 minutes before the end of the session the user will see a pop up message with a timer and an offer to pay for additional time so that the user will be able to keep unsaved changes and prolong the session.

For casual users cloud computer performance and processing power will be selected automatically (considering the required performance of software products that a user needs).

Experienced users will have an opportunity to select the needed features of their cloud computer on their own.

Boosteroid tokens

A total of 1 billion tokens was released and called BTR.

BTR tokens are created on Ethereum blockchain-platform under the ERC20 token standard.
There is no reissue of tokens after the financing is completed.
Tokens accepted as a payment for services will expire.
All undigested and undistributed tokens will be destroyed after the ICO.

BTR tokens distribution

Tokens will be distributed in the following way:

Boosteroid fund will be formed proportional to the number of sold tokens.

Sale of BTR tokens in ICO

1 BTR corresponds to the cost of one hour computing power on the basis of eight NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics cards; two processors Intel Xeon E5 2680v4; RAM 256Gb; SSD 960Gb.

It is possible to buy BTR tokens on the Boosteroid.com website during pre-ICO and at all ICO stages.

All undigested and undistributed tokens will be destroyed after the ICO is completed.

ICO of BTR tokens


Date: January 15th — February 15th 2018.
Total number of BTR tokens: 400,000,000
The starting price of 1 BTR token is $ 1.88, the final price is $ 2.78.

* All stages of the ICO can be completed ahead of schedule in case the necessary investments are attracted.

Distribution of collected funds

Total amount of attracted investments — $ 1 359 000 000. They will be distributed in the following way:

Boosteroid became interesting for large investors who are ready to support us and help create the service.
Considering this we decided to limit a total amount of funds that we want to attract — now the hard cap is $100 million.

Boosteroid financial model

Expansion of computing facilities, purchase of equipment and the number of accepted BTR tokens dependson the amount of investments attracted during the ICO.

The table shows total number of computational nodes together with 189 already available and operating nodes.

One computational node costs approximately $15 000.

Value on the market

Considering the large number of users and limited number of released tokens, BTR exchange rate will increase and investors will get maximum return and gain profit.

Every BTR corresponds to a real service — 1 token = 1 hour computing power rent. Currently the lowest cost of 1 hour cloud computing rent is $6,5, thus the token rate will increase up to more than $6.

After the service is launched we will start BTR buyback on the exchange, so the number of tokens available on the market will reduce.

Payment (exchange) mechanism description

We will develop the exchange service that will allow to make fast exchange between USD, BTC, ETH and BTR without registering and trading on external exchanges. Users will be able to pay with USD, BTC, ETH and BTR tokens.

The exchange service will be integrated into the web interface, where the payment for computing power rent will be made.

Exchange rate and payment details will also be displayed there. The exchange rate will be close to that on the cryptocurrency exchanges and will update within particular periods of time. There will be a small charge for the exchange operations.

The exchange service will have reserves of USD, BTC, ETH and BTR. Exchange requests will be processed immediately. If the reserves of a particular currency end, the exchange service will automatically order it on external digital currency exchanges.

The exchange service will be launched on a separate server and connected to external exchanges, traditional payment systems and cryptocurrency wallets modules. The service will have a public API to accept exchange requests and inform about the current exchange rate and status of eserves.

Road map


Details Information :

Website : https://boosteroid.com/

ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2217477.0

Whitepaper : https://boosteroid.com/white-paper

Telegram : https://t.me/boosteroid_eng

Twitter : https://twitter.com/infoboosteroid

Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/boosteroid.info/?_rdc=1&_rdr

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350

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