Selasa, 31 Juli 2018

MeToken - Token Utilitas Baru Untuk Revolusi Perdagangan Sosial didirikan pada tahun 2015 oleh Jonathan Leong dengan tujuan untuk mengganggu eCommerce fashion dengan menyediakan pengalaman belanja pribadi yang menjembatani kesenjangan antara inspirasi dan pengalaman pembelian online saat ini. Seorang teman Jonathan pada saat itu meluncurkan merek couture wanita baru melalui e-commerce. Dia frustrasi karena konsumennya tidak memiliki cara untuk mencoba barang-barang mahal seperti itu sebelum mereka membeli, mempertaruhkan pengalaman pembelian yang sangat tidak menyenangkan jika akhirnya barang itu tidak cocok atau hanya tidak terlihat bagus pada mereka / bukan gaya mereka. Jadi lahir, kunjungi informasi lebih lanjut. 

Platform Perdagangan Sosial inovatif untuk konsumen, influencer dan merek. Memperkenalkan, aplikasi penemuan yang bisa dikerjakan untuk fashion dan gaya. 

Jejaring sosial semakin marak di dunia online, pernahkah Anda mendengar kata media sosial? Pernahkah Anda bergabung? Apa saja manfaat dari platform media sosial? Hampir semua yang terlibat dalam dunia online hampir pasti memiliki akun di media sosial untuk berbicara , berkenalan dan hal-hal lain. Tapi setidaknya manfaat dari media sosial tidak hanya itu tetapi dapat dikembangkan untuk berdagang mencari uang, untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru dll. Paling tidak kita pahami dulu apakah media sosial dan bagaimana penggunaannya dapat membawa manfaat bagi kehidupan kita dari sektor personal, finansial atau untuk sekedar mendapatkan informasi. 

Perdagangan sosialbagian dari perdagangan elektronik yang melibatkan media sosial, media online yang mendukung interaksi sosial dan kontribusi pengguna untuk membantu dalam pembelian dan penjualan produk dan layanan online. Lebih ringkas, perdagangan sosial adalah penggunaan jejaring sosial dalam konteks e-commerce transaksi. 

Perdagangan bertujuan sosial untuk membantu perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan berikut: -Dagang sosial membantu perusahaan melibatkan pelanggan dengan merek mereka sesuai dengan perilaku pelanggan sosial. 

-Berikan hadiah bagi pelanggan untuk kembali ke situs web mereka. 

-Berikan pelanggan dengan platform untuk berbicara tentang merek mereka di situs web mereka. 

-Menyediakan semua informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh pelanggan untuk meneliti, membandingkan dan akhirnya memilih Anda daripada pesaing Anda, jadi beli dari Anda dan bukan yang lain.

Vission Me Token

Visi kami adalah untuk merevolusi dunia perdagangan dengan menciptakan ekonomi perdagangan sosial global yang memenuhi permintaan konsumen yang terus meningkat untuk membeli barang langsung melalui saluran media sosial. Selain itu, kami mengakui kekuatan persuasif dari influencer media sosial, dan kami akan memberdayakan baik influencer yang mapan dan bercita-cita untuk membangun dan memonetisasi jaringan mereka secara adil dan efisien melalui ekonomi Token Saya. 

Cara kerja Aplikasi pada Style.I

Setelah pengaturan fungsi yang memungkinkan pengguna menemukan mode di mana saja di web dan berbelanja dengan jaminan yang lebih besar mengenai ukuran, kesesuaian dan penampilan pakaian, kami berencana untuk mengintegrasikan merek fashion ke platform Style. Saya mendapat melalui tiga metode spesifik: 

-Integration Of Shopping Cart

-Mengubah Target Iklan berdasarkan persetujuan pengguna 

-Membeli Diskon dengan Token  Yang penting adalah mengapa harus MeToken

-Style.I didirikan pada tahun 2015 oleh  wiraniaga Jonathan Leong -Mode eksekutif, teknologi dan tim perdagangan sosial 

-Mengatur Facebook jaringan dalam industri fashion 

-Rekognisi perangkat lunak canggih gambar -Paten teknologi dan telah dipatenkan 

Yang penting adalah mengapa harus MeToken

-Style.I didirikan pada tahun 2015 oleh  wiraniaga Jonathan Leong -Mode eksekutif, teknologi dan tim perdagangan sosial 

-Mengatur Facebook jaringan dalam industri fashion 

-Rekognisi perangkat lunak canggih gambar -Paten teknologi dan telah dipatenkan 


Saya Token dan “EconoMe,” pertama

EconoMe adalah model desentralisasi baru untuk pembuatan konten digital. The Me Token, token ERC-20, bertindak sebagai mata uang komunitas oleh platform perdagangan sosial Me-adopsi. Dioptimalkan untuk semua pengguna, adalah pengalaman fesyen yang mirip dengan Instagram. monetarily memberikan insentif pembuatan konten berkualitas dari influencer dan merek sekaligus memberi penghargaan kepada pengguna karena memilih untuk menerima iklan bertarget.

Kelebihan untuk orang yang berpengaruh:
  • Remunerasi token MET untuk pembuatan konten.
  • Sistem remunerasi multilevel.
  • Distribusi konten yang adil dan transparan.
Pro untuk konsumen:
  • Hadiah berupa token, untuk pertukaran data.
  • Konten yang dibeli sepenuhnya.
  • Ruang pas digital, tips gaya dan banyak lagi.
Pro untuk merek:
  • Tingkat klik-tayang yang lebih tinggi.
  • Lebih banyak konversi.
  • Pengaruh terbaik adalah ROI.
EconoMe Masa Depan Pengembangan EconoMe akan menjadi ekosistem beragam platform perdagangan lintas vertikal yang akan tumbuh secara eksponensial karena platform baru memanfaatkan basis konsumen yang sudah ada sebelumnya untuk memulai komunitas yang terlibat. Ini akan memperdalam hubungan antara merek, konsumen sebagai pemberi pengaruh ketika pengguna memilih untuk ikut serta menerima iklan sebagai ganti token hadiah, kunjungi

Token EconoMe 

Platform ini menghubungkan dan memberi penghargaan kepada influencer, konsumen, dan merek fashion. Misalnya, Influencer dapat memposting pakaian merek di platform. Pengguna dapat menyukai dan membagikan postingan tersebut, sementara kedua pihak dihargai untuk pembuatan dan keterlibatan konten. Menggunakan ruang pemasangan virtual yang dipatenkan, pembeli dapat mencoba pakaian, dan bahkan membeli langsung. Merek-merek fashion senang karena pelanggan yang puas dan influencer yang dihargai.

Untuk membayar semua fungsi pada platform, serta menerima hadiah, token MET akan digunakan.
  • Token: MET
  • Platform: ERC20
  • Standar: Ethereum
  • Kuantitas: MET
  • Harga: 1 MET = 0,17 USD
  • Pembayaran: ETH, BTC.
  • Soft cap: 10.000.000 USD
  • Hard cap: 30.000.000 USD
  • PLEASE 07.23.2018 - 08.2.2018
  • ICO 08.23.2018 - 10.22.2018
Penjualan & Distribusi Token

Penggunaan Hasil
Tim Inti 
Jonathan Leong
Pendiri dan Ketua

Rufus Parkinson
CEO dan Co-founder Me Token

Sebastian Hewing
Direktur Product & Business Insights

Edward Celata
Wakil Presiden Kepala Komunitas & Pertumbuhan

Eric Lin
CTO, teknologi blockchain dan ahli strategi bisnis

Alan Lian
Tech Lead at Me Token
Ali Ayyash
Pendiri dan CEO Lumeos, ex-Bee Token / Google / Amazon

Min Kim
Pendiri Blocultural Studios / Direktur Pemasaran HBUS

Krishna Ramachandra
Managing Director Senior Duane Morris & Selvam LLP & Global Blockchain 

George Chang
eksekutif eCommerce, mantan Rakuten / Sears / Newegg

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, ikuti kami di: 

Situs web :

Whitepaper :

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Facebook :

Twitter :

Pengarang : Ta.Form

Tautan Profil :;u=1109350

Eth : 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B

HireGo - Decentralised shared mobility platform

HireGo is building the future of decentralized car hire in partnership with the Origin Protocol.We empower developers and businesses to build decentralized marketplaces on the blockchain. Our
protocol makes it easy to create and manage listings for the fractional usage of assets and services. Buyers and sellers can discover each other, browse listings, make bookings, leave ratings and reviews, and much more,visit more information.

“The emergence of the Sharing Economy reflects the mega-trend in postindustrial western economies from ownership to service. More and more types of people increasingly value use over ownership as many of the hassles of ownership are overcome. “

What is HireGo ?

HireGo is UK based company building a decentralised car hire and car sharing app in partnership with San Francisco based Origin Protocol.

HireGo peer to peer car hire and car share aims to disrupt the $90billion car hire industry by providing a safe, user-orientated decentralised platform.


  • The HireGo app will allow users with little or no knowledge of blockchain technology to seamlessly access the HireGo rental platform and begin listing vehicles or searching for available cars to hire.
  • The HGO tokens and smart contracts will be used for all transactions. Users can convert from and to other currencies within the application.
  • Users will be able to access the HireGo platform from anywhere in the world.
  • For more information on the app and smart contracts see our whitepaper.
  • Our beta DApp is available on Rinkeby at

Smart Contracts

The HireGo marketplace will deploy three smart contracts to the Ethereum network: the HGO token, a Vehicle non-fungible token and a Rental contract. An additional storage contract will be deployed for use in a hub-and-spoke model, ensuring that any updates or bugfixes may be released in a timely manner, without loss of data. 


The decline of traditional car ownership has already begun as more people are switching to car sharing.

Increasing car purchase and maintenance costs, worsening traffic and pollution, and a lack of parking spaces are important factors for the continuation of this trend.

By decentralising car sharing we are making it more accessible, safe and convenient than ever before.

HireGo is setting the standard, being the first to create a working car hire DApp on the Ethereum testnet.


Using blockchain based user identity solutions provides assurances that users of the platform are genuine and trustworthy. Everything will be stored on the blockchain, creating an indisputable record of a user’s conduct.


HireGo allows people and businesses to create communities within the app so that they can decide who to share their car.

Smart Contracts

The use of smart contracts, contractual code running on the Ethereum network, removes the necessity for a middleman and allows users to conduct trustless rental transactions

IoT Ready

When cars become IoT ready future versions of the HireGo contract will allow physical access to the vehicles to be governed by ownership of the requisite tokens,visit



HireGo has an experienced and skilled UK based team and is supported by expert blockchain and smart contract advisors.


Details Information : 

Selasa, 24 Juli 2018

Papusha - The world’s first rocket and space technology

The world's first rocket and space technology to produce fuel by using fuel oil from the refineries offered by Anatoly Papusha, the Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences who developed the Buran program orvisit more information.

In the 1980s Anatoly I.Papusha a world-renowned scientist, Professor of Doctor of Engineering, Laureate, In the 1980s also the most powerful rocket engine in the world was created for Soviet space program. To test this rocket engine, as a member from the group of A.I scientists. Papusha creates
the world's largest combustion chamber - carbon afterburner monoxide (CO).The rocket engine made in the exhaust gas from the jet stream contains 1,000 kg of carbon monoxide per second. For 180 seconds, he throws out the amount of carbon monoxide is the same as the emissions of all Moscow
vehicle for a day. To completely burn carbon monoxide, for the first time A.I.Papusha applies a new type of transonic multi-stage combustion (speed ~ 1,000 m / s) with very high water and oxygen inputs.This enabling it to achieve a thousand-fold reduction in carbon emissions monoxide from 1,000 to 1 kg / sec.For the development of this A.I.Papusha was awarded the State Prize for USSR.

Who is he Anatoly I.Papusha ???

Anatoly I. Papushа,Leading specialists in the rocket and aerospace industry. He has worked in major branch companies for over 50 years.Director of the Ecology Department of the International Fund for Slavic Culture and Writing.Doctor of Engineering.Academician Academy of Natural Sciences of Russia (RANS).Laureate from the USSR State Prize.

What is Papusha A.I. ???

Papusha A.I. is the one of the brightest representatives of the legendary USSR national school of the rocket and space industry, as well as a student and follower of the brilliant engine developer for spacecraft, V.P. Glushko.

During the development of the Soviet space program "Energia-Buran" an engine was created, which burns 10 tons of fuel for 10 seconds. Testing of the engine was very dangerous for the entire Moscow region ecology. Papusha A.I. created a unique complex, which was built in Khimki, Moscow area.

Basic module in Khimki

This complex allowed to fully neutralize harmful emissions and to tests the created engine near the development site.

The transonic combustion innovation had been applied for the first time for the utilization of the combustion products from a large rocket engine. Further innovation progress has opened prospects for solving the most urgent environmental problems. This technology is included in the list of UNEP "Survey of Currently Available Non-Incineration PCB Destruction Technologies" (First Issue, August 2000) under the name of the author of "Papusha Rocket Technology" (PRT),visit

How Does it Work 

Countries and companies engaged in refining, will receive the following advantages, using the Papusha Rocket Technology:
  • obtain liquid goods from unused raw materials;
  • environment improvement;
  • highly efficient processing of heavy oil, etc..
Photo of the operating pilot plant in Dolgoprudny, Moscow region

What is Papusha Rocket ICO ???

Papusha Rocket ICO - is the latest technology to destroy oil refineries residues around the world. Instead of destroying flora and fauna, refineries get gasoline and diesel fuel for selling.

PRT ICO produces small-capacity oil refining units to process black oil fuel and produce liquid fuel by using the transonic combustion technology. Every day refineries worldwide generate 1.35 million tons of residues. Depending on its capacity, one PRT-2 unit processes 30-90 tons of wastes per day. The market requires dozens of thousands of PRT-2 units.

It is important to mention that it goes about recycling of new residues only, which allows not to cause additional pollution of our planet. Processing of the accumulated deposits and lakes requires the volume that is several times higher than this.

Papusha Rocket ICO​is based on three main components:

1. The patented transonic combustion technology (included in the list of UNEP “Survey of Currently Available Non-Incineration PCB Destruction Technologies” (First Issue, August 2000) under the author’s name “Papusha Rocket Technology” (PRT)).

2. Conversion development ​based on of high-tech solutions used for rocket and space and aviation equipment.

3. Own scientific and methodical developments in the rocket and space and aviation areas. Design documentation executed by representatives of the defense industry, experimental base and experience of industrial use of transonic combustion for extreme terms and conditions of neutralizing
highly toxic substances.

Papusha's goal

Our common goal is to maintain and improve the ecological situation of all over the world for us and our children.

PRT unit developed by Academician Papusha

● Small dimensions
● Low cost of creation and operation
● Equipment reliability
● High efficiency and quick payback period
● Universality and autonomy

Details of ICO

  • Date: August 22 - October 22
  • Token name: PRT
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Standart: ERC20
  • Minimum amount: 100 PRT
  • Soft Cap: no
  • Hard Cap: 13,500 ETH
  • Accepted: ETH
  • Total tokens: 100,000,000
  • Available for sale: 75%
  • Price of the token: 1 ETH = 3,500 PRT


  • "Private Sale": 01.06.2018 - 22.08.2018
  • ICO: 22.08.2018 - 22.10.2018
  • Token name: PRT
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Standart: ERC20
  • Hard Cap: 13500 ETH
  • Total amount of tokens: 100 000 000
  • Available for sale: 75%
  • Price per token: 1 ETH = 3500 PRT

Unsold tokens will be burned!

PRT tokens allocation

● Beginning of scientific calculations on processing oil products,
● Testing the technology at the base stand in Dolgoprudny, and
● Testing completed successfully, further development and improvement of the technology.


● Completion of calculations, systematization of the obtained results,
● Preparing a business plan, searching for partners.

2018, Quarter​ 1

● Preparation for ICO:
● Forming a team, registration of technical documentation,
● Developing a smart contract and a token economy.

2018, Quarter 2

ICO launch:

● Marketing campaign,
● Carrying out a private sales round.

2018, Quarter 3

● Papusha Rocket Technology ICO,
● Introduction of the PRT token to exchanges, and
● Development of maintenance documentation.

2018, Quarter 4

● Manufacture and purchase of necessary equipment and components,
● Creating and configuring the first PRT-2-30 unit, and
● Certification, obtaining technical specifications for connection.


● Launch of mass production of PRT-2 units, first sales,
● Development of modules for processing of brown coal, and
● Work on adapting and implementing a gas generator that provides cheap electricity for mining.

Team of developers and scientists



The project started in the 1980s. The technology was developed for the needs of the Soviet space program. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent to test and create a complex to neutralize emissions of the Buran engine. However, in the future, after the collapse of the USSR, funding was cut off, and the Buran program was frozen.Since then, A.I. Papusha managed to find a new use of his technology that is highly demanded today. Our roadmap shows the main stages of the project

For more information, please join us in Telegram group

Follow Us On : 

Official Website :

Username : Ta.Form

Eth Address : 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B

Senin, 23 Juli 2018

Humancoin - new e-commerce cryptocurrency fuelled by the Proof of Charity mining protocol

What is Humancoin ???

Humancoin is a revolutionary platform bringing about the synergy of philanthropy industry, retail e-commerce and cryptocurrency markets, which together have a combined value of $3.5 trillion.

How it works

The platform provides the opportunity to fully track donations online, as well as voting and ranking for projects and philanthropists along with other features.

There is also the option to receive a receipt for each donation to use for tax deduction purposes depending on the donor's tax jurisdiction.

The future expansion of the project will be financed by the 5%-fee raised from the funds collected for charity projects, which is 4 times lower than the market average,visit more information.

Unique features of Humancoin

This is the first ever blockchain project that has the potential to become a global e-commerce loyalty program aggregator Association with philanthropy gives its tokens a unique advantage in developing loyalty programs with partners creating a strong emotional resonance Instead of competing with existing programs, the Humancoin token is effortlessly integrated into already existing systems — all it requires is setting a conversion rate.

Why own Humancoin?

The Humancoin tokens can be easily convertible into any points, miles, bonuses, coupons. Token owners will be incentivized to hold them to take advantage of attractive benefits and this provides a long-term, stable demand for tokens As the number of partners and the scope of cooperation within the Humancoin Network grows, so does the popularity of the token The Proof of Charity “mining” concept allows the project to scale hundreds and thousands of times.

Problem: lack of trust

Other advantages of Humancoin include:

♥ Humancoin is an open P2P platform that allows benefactors to make direct pinpoint donations. By design, the project is not tied to any specific charitable organization or local community. The charity world is international, multifaceted and relies on billions of people from all countries and of all nationalities.

♥ Humancoin does not force the artificial use of its token on charitable transactions. Obviously, projects need to receive funds in their native currency that they are comfortable spending the money in. A project based on the platform specifies which fiat or cryptocurrency it wants to receive donations in. The donor may transfer the money in the desired currency to the recipient using the built-in currency conversion instrument on the Humancoin platform.

♥ The Humancoin platform can manage the majority of popular crypto and fiat currencies. Humancoin places no limitations upon the projects and users in terms of currencies. The benefactor makes all the decisions independently.

♥ Humancoin is not planning to spend the funds on creating adaptations of existing technology solutions. The priority remains integration and compatibility with already popular and established market solutions. For instance, instead of creating our own crypto wallet with cryptoexchange
functionalities from scratch, we will incorporate an existing solution into the platform — such as Jaxx with ShapeShift. There will also be an option to use multisignature wallets.

♥ Humancoin’s fee for raising funds for charity will be limited to 5% (which will be used for the future support and development of the platform),whereas the commission taken by existing charitable foundations can be up to 20-30%.

♥ The platform will feature the industry’s most functional and user-friendly interface,featuring a listing of all the projects broken down by category,a ranking system, voting tools and host of other integrated services.

♥ If desired, the donor can leave funds in the Humanpool, and the system will allocate the money automatically to projects with the highest rating from the platform’s community. This might apply to corporations, where company rules often prevent the support of specific projects and it is more convenient to donate money indirectly to pools or foundations.

♥ Humancoin will be the first platform to employ professional (financial and legal) expertise from independent audit companies (forensic audit),especially for the purpose of evaluating large projects.

♥ There will be a set of additional options available on the platform, which the users can also pay for with Humancoin tokens (receiving extra benefits in that case),

The Humancoin platform is designed with the goal of facilitating the process of interaction between philanthropists and beneficiaries to the greatest possible extent:

♥ breakdown of projects by category and subcategory, such as health,natural disasters, religion and environment;

♥ various mechanisms for ranking projects and creating online polls;

♥ data on the legal and financial verification of each project (forensic audit);

♥ integrated wallet with currency conversion;

♥ translations into various languages;

♥ mobile application;

♥ built-in messenger;

♥ expenditure tracker and online reports;

♥ convenient dashboard with individual settings for users.

Token Sale

Distribution of tokens
  • 3 055 mln For sale
  • 1 000 mln Partnership Development Fund
  • 600 mln Team reward
  • 50% blocked by smart contract for 6 months.
  • 50% blocked for 12 months
  • 600 mln Advisors and ambassadors
  • 500 mln Consultants and exchanges
  • 245 mln Bounty, airdrop and referral program
3,055,000,000 Humancoin tokens available at the Token Sale
❥ The price of one token is $0.01
❥ Minimum purchase — 0.1 ETH

Token Sale Bonus Structure



For more information, please join us in Telegram group

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Username : Ta.Form

Profile Link :;u=1109350

Eth Address : 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B

BITTECH - a Global Technological Company Cryptocurrency Mining

In today's world, there are quite a lot of ways to make money, and with the use of advanced modern technology, it becomes easier. One such method is crypto currency mining. This is a kind of crypto mining currency. Because the crypto currency is encrypted, each coin has its own code. So, mining is the process of decoding by the computer. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles in this lesson. Much of this is due to high requirements for equipment and high energy consumption,visit more information.

BITTECH Company was established in 2017 and develops affordable miners and global services. The head office is in Hong Kong. Currently, BITTECH plans to open four major data processing centers: in Iceland, Estonia, Canada and Russia with a capacity of at least 7000 miners. Each data center is a professionally prepared site to place miners.

What is BITTECH ???

BITTECH is a global technological company.


The company mission is to make cryptocurrency mining a legal, easy, and reliable way to earn money.

What is BITTECH Project ?

BITTECH project is an open decentralized full-cycle system for the development, introduction, production and control of innovative mining equipment built on the Bt0** chip with unique energy efficiency and performance.


  • The 14nm BT0014 chip was developed for the SHA-256 algorithm,whose performance and energy efficiency was improved by 20-25% compared to the 16nm chips of competitors;
  • The 10nm BT0010a chip was developed for the SHA-256 algorithm, with chip performance improved by 7% over Bt0014;
  • The 10nm BT0010La chip was developed for the Scrypt algorithm, whose performance is 15-20% higher than the competitors’, and the energy efficiency was improved by 5-7%;
  • Serial production of the BITTECH One miner for the SHA-256 algorithm on BT0014 chips was launched, with a 28Th/s capacity, and consumption of only 2,200W;
  • Prototype of the BITTECH One S miner for the SHA-256 algorithm on BT0010a chips was launched, with 36Th/s capacity and consumption of only 2,800W;
  • Construction of a data center,in Russia, Irkutsk region, with a total capacity of 21MW was begun.
  • The development and implementation of a new generation of BITTECH series miners based on BT ASIC chips for basic hashing algorithms;
  • The reduction of miner costs for buyers;
  • The introduction of services for the miner sales, which allow the start of mining in a short time;
  • The creation of a distributed mining network by building data centers.

In the era of cryptocurrencies and mining, these brilliant opportunities are used by a very narrow audience. Individuals and companies face a range of problems:
  • Statutory bans in some countries
  • Lack of accessible infrastructure
  • Climatic peculiarities of certain regions
  • High cost of equipment and maintenance problems
  • Lack of professional personnel in this field
  • High-quality equipment with an advanced guarantee
  • Affordable cost
  • Quick start, only 24 hours
  • Full legality and observance of legislation
  • Skilled experts, 24h support
  • UPTIME 99.9 % SLA
BITTECH has opened large cryptocurrency data-processing centres (DPC) in Iceland, Estonia, Canada, and Russia. Every DPC is a professionally arranged platform for the Bittech One miner that includes our own, cutting-edge, 14 nm chip. Every DPC is a legal platform for cryptocurrency mining. BITTECH company has tried its best to develop infrastructure and technologies that make the mining process as simple and convenient as possible. Customers who choose our company get extensive service of the highest quality.

Service Contract

Service contract is a revolutionary service that allows the miner not to worry about infrastructure, maintenance and legal aspects when buying mining equipment. All this is decided by BITTECH. We open four data centers in Canada, Iceland, Estonia and Russia for the placement of branded miners the client should choose only the placement term and proceed to the mining within 24 hours.

What is BITTECH Token ?

BITTECH (BTECH) token is a digital asset that grants its holder a right to purchase a new generation of BITTECH miners built on modern 10-14nm chips.

Description of BTECH token

BITTECH company has been developing miners and providing affordable global service since 2017. In the first quarter of 2018, we released Bittech One miner after having invested over $2 mil. Our ICO will help us present our mission to the global market and find new partners and customers,visit

Investors can also use their purchased tokens for the following purposes:
  • purchase of Bittech One miners (and other future models) with a discount
  • purchase of a service contract with a discount
  • purchase of Bittech Big One mobile DPC

Q1-Q3 2017
Creation of BITTECH, development of hardware and software solutions

Q1 2018
Serial production of Bittech One (14nm)

Q3 2018
Opening of DPC in Russia

Q4 2018
Serial production of Bittech L-One miner (Scrypt, 10nm)

Q3-Q4 2019
Opening of DPC in Iceland

Q3 2017
Prototype of Bittech One miner

Q2 2018
Prototype of Bittech L-One (Scrypt, 10nm)

Q4 2018
Prototype of Bittech One S (10nm chips)

Q1-Q2 2019
Opening of DPCs in Estonia and Canada


For more information, please join us in Telegram group

Follow Us On : 

Official Website :

Username : Ta.Form

Eth Address : 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B

Rabu, 18 Juli 2018



We aim to offer a one-stop platform for our users. Many countries and citizens have been left behind in this new revolution called blockchain we will connect those dots and offer an excellent service using the top global organisations best practice.

What Is KuBitX ???

KuBitX is one of the most advanced and robust cryptocurrency trading platforms designed to embrace the idea of “Simplicity” and “Accessibility,” empowering and educating people from all walks of life to embrace the technological revolution of Blockchain and invest in cryptocurrencies,visit more information.

Contained within the KuBitX ecosystem are the KuBitX Trade engines, the secure KuBitX wallets and an advanced Admin dashboard for regulating the activities within the Trade Exchange. By targeting the untapped, high potential demographics for their inclusion in the Cryptocurrency market, our goal is to become one of the most diverse cryptocurrency marketplaces for buyers and sellers.

We aim to achieve this by developing a robust trade engine, providing regular banking services
through our Financial Service Providers and initiating an Ambassador program to spread awareness and adoption.

KuBitX is one of the most advanced and robust cryptocurrency trading platforms designed in a very user-friendly manner to enable people from all regions and backgrounds get a stronghold of the ideas revolving around the Blockchain and the cryptocurrency space.

Contained within the KuBitX ecosystem are the KuBitX Trade engines, the secure KuBitX wallets, and an advanced Admin dashboard for regulating the activities within the Trade Exchange.

By targeting even the remotest people for their inclusion in the cryptocurrency market, our goal is to become one of the most diverse cryptocurrency marketplaces for buyers and sellers worldwide.


The ideation process behind KuBitX was undertaken keeping in mind the broader vision to educate, enable and engage people from emerging markets in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The technological development that has taken shape since the dawn of the Internet era has been top-down, i.e., from the developed nations towards the developing nations.This has created a gap in the overall development process thus compelling people from the emerging markets following the trail of development rather than being active contributors in shaping the process. KuBitX aims to leverage the emerging technology to move forward in the vision and mission that we have,visit

KuBitX Features:

- The secure KuBitX wallet system and dashboard, which is very easy to use and will meet all your needs and questions.

- Trading fees are as low as 0.025% and can be paid using KuBitX tokens, which are easily converted into crypto currency as well as Fiat money.

- 24/7 customer support system supported by a very capable team.

- The user-friendly web interface is very easy to use and will provide proper training even for beginners about functionality and ecosystem frameworks.

- A global network offering services in five different languages.

- KuBitX will soon launch its mobile app that can be used on Android and iOS.

- A highly scalable platform with emerging new features developed to enhance the user experience.



Our platform is highly scalable, ready to accept new features to improve our users trading experience.


We have made an extensive benchmarking with the current platforms, which allowed us to take few steps ahead, plus our security team comes from top organisations.


Our token is initially based on the Ethereum blockchain. We plan to launch our own chain in the near future which will then be very useful to many cases such as the most common social, utility, administration, and governance problems in developing countries.


As strong believers in peer to peer payment ecosystems, we believe that traditional financial systems will eventually be replaced partly due to continuous broken trust, censorship and a growing enlightenment of the populace.


Our fees are the lowest around, it is even lower when you choose to use our native token the KBX for fees payment. Trading fee on KuBitX exchange is 0.05%, however, the users opting to use KuBitcoin(KBX) tokens as a method of payment of trading fee will get a discount of 25% compared to the original trading charges.

- Trading fee = 0.05%
- Trading fee using KBX token= 0.0375%


Our multi-signature wallet and cold storage strategy will minimize the exposure of our trader’s funds. We have combined various strategies to secure the funds traded on our platform.

Some of the key security features include:

Secure cold storage with cold wallet management Cryptocurrency Security Standard (CCSS).
 Third-party security line by line code audit.
 Insurance of online/hot wallets.
 Up to 3-Factor Authentication.
 Multi-Firewall Protection.
 DDoS prevention.
 OWASP Top 10 Compliant.

 Extended Validation SSL Certificate.


Ticker                     =     KBX

Token Type             =     ERC20 (Ethereum)

Decimal                   =     18

Total Supply            =     500,000,000

Currencies Accepted     =     ETH

Soft Cap                  =     10.000 ETH

Hard Cap                 =     25.000 ETH
                                        Seed Round   : Ongoing.

                                        Ends 16 July, 2018.
                                        Pre-Public Round: 16
                                        July - 31 August, 2018 

TGE Details          =    Public Round: TBC





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Username : Ta.Form

Profile Link :;u=1109350

Eth Address : 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B

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