Kamis, 15 November 2018

Raido Financial Ekosistem fintech global yang menggabungkan seperangkat alat crypto

Hasil gambar untuk Bounty Raido financial

Tentang Raido Financial

Raido Financial adalah ekosistem fintech global yang menggabungkan seperangkat alat crypto universal untuk perdagangan, pertukaran, operasi keuangan dan investasi untuk semua pemain pasar kripto B2B dan B2C melalui platform tunggal.

Misi Raido Financial

Misi kami adalah untuk menyediakan semua pemangku kepentingan pasar dengan alat yang paling efisien, komprehensif dan aman untuk menjalankan semua kegiatan crypto yang diperlukan.  Dengan demikian, tujuan utama kami adalah untuk menjalankan dan meningkatkan ekosistem, di mana setiap peserta dari pasar crypto dapat dengan mudah memperoleh dan menggunakan alat yang sangat efisien dan menguntungkan dengan tingkat pengalaman apa pun dalam teknologi block-chain atau crypto currency.

Dengan Raido Financial Anda bisa mendapatkan : 

Arsitektur teknis Raido Financial mampu menyediakan pengguna dengan kecepatan pemrosesan info maksimum karena kinerja tinggi dan sistem pemrosesan beban.
Sistem pemrosesan cerdas tokenized untuk proyek ICO / TGE / ITO akan diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem Raido monetary, yang akan menyediakan seperangkat alat"semua dalam satu" yang diperlukan untuk menerapkan penjualan con - termasuk semua aspek pemasaran, hukum dan teknis.
Secara anonim, aman dan menguntungkan melakukan perdagangan, pertukaran, kegiatan investasi dengan aset crypto dari dompet multi-mata uang tunggal.
Melanjutkan aktivitas perdagangan yang lawful dan transparan dengan quantity besar aset crypto untuk B2B dan pemangku kepentingan pasar institusional.

Manfaat Raido Financial

  • Sistem kinerja tinggi dan pemrosesan beban, API deal with terintegrasi, WebSockets, protokol relaxation.
  • Tokenized Smart-processing technique untuk proyek ICO / TGE / ITO dengan alat alat"allinone".Operasi anonim dan Aman dengan berbagai mata uang untuk pemain pasar B2C.
  • Dompet crypto multi-currency dengan biaya rendah, pemrosesan terintegrasi kartu plastik, uang dan sistem pembayaran elektronik.
  • Modul pembayaran menerima untuk mata uang crypto currency / fiatuntuk dash untuk pertukaran, cash out dan pengendalian saldo keuangan.
  • Perdagangan quantity aset crypto besar, menggunakan leverage dan alat-alat lain di Raido Trade.
  • Pengumpul likuiditas, terintegrasi dalam satu ekosistem dengan stage perdagangan terbesar, pertukaran kriptodalam agent dan lembaga keuangan lainnya.
  • Aktivitas perdagangan yang lawful dan transparan untuk B2B dan pemangku kepentingan pasar institusional Fintech kompleks dan solusi hukum yang menggabungkan semua jenis aktivitas keuangan kripto dan alat mata uang untuk B2B pada satu stage tunggal.
  • Solusi teragregasi - penyaringan internet protocol address, enkripsi info, otentikasi dua faktor, lapisan independen perlindungan kriptografi, dan banyak lagi.

Pertukaran Cryptocurrency Raido

  • Lebih dari Fifty pertukaran Crypto Currency dan alat perdagangan perimeter 
  • Analisis teknis multifungsi sumber daya (place indikator, 1 2 zona waktu)
  • Saluran koneksi berkecepatan tinggi dengan kemampuan untuk memproses hingga a Hundred permintaan each detik dari setiap pesertaEnkripsi Info, penyimpanan"dingin" dan autentikasi dua faktor dengan verifikasi
  • Kemampuan untuk menambahkan token khusus, termasuk yang dikeluarkan melalui ICO/ ITO/TGE
  • Penggunaan API dengan Relaxation, WebSocket, protokol fix

Dompet Multicurrency Raido
  • Solusi lintas stage untuk pertukaran Cryptocurrency yang anonim dan Aman, setor dan penarikan uang fiat, dan move uang,
  • Dukungan untuk BitCoin, AltCoin utama, dan token dengan daftar mata uang baru lebih lanjut,
  • Kerahasiaan dan anonimitas tanpa referensi information identifikasi dan pelacakan transaksi
  • Integrasi dengan proyek On-line dari setiap kerumitan dan penerbitan Crypto Currency sendiri
  • Dukungan bahasa Inggris, Cina, Spanyol, Prancis, Jerman, Rusia, lokalisasi untuk bahasa lain tersedia
  • Biaya komisi dihitung secara dinamis, memastikan nilai terbaik untuk uang
Penjualan Token

Tanggal mulai Penjualan Pra-Token 15 November 2018
Tanggal akhir Penjualan Pra-Token 15 Desember 2018
Tanggal mulai Penjualan Token Utama 15 Januari 2019
Tanggal akhir Penjualan Token Utama 15 Februari 2019
Total token supply 86250000
Total token yang ditawarkan 60262500 
Hard cap 52762,5ETH
Soft cap 7500 ETH
Simbol Token RF
Harga jual Token 1RF = 0,001 ETH
Token standar ERC20
Jenis Token Utility

Distribusi token

Kapan Pra-Penjualan dimulai dan bagaimana cara berpartisipasi?
PRE-Sale dimulai pada 15/11/2018 14:00 (GMT + 00), PRE-Sale akan berlangsung selama 30 hari. Setelah dimulainya PRE-Sale, pembelian token akan tersedia di ico.raidofinancial.com. Klik "beli token" dan ikuti instruksi sederhana.

Informasi detail:

Nama pengguna : Ta.Form

Eth : 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B

Muzika - Mengubah Dunia Musik melalui Blockchain

Tentang Muzika

Mengubah Dunia Musik melalui Blockchain
Menutup Kesenjangan Antara Artis Musik dan Penggemar

Tantangan yang dihadapi

Musisi dan penggemar adalah pencipta nilai nyata dalam industri musik saat ini,
tetapi mereka tidak dihargai dengan benar untuk penciptaan nilai mereka.

Musisi sedang kelaparan. Semua orang mendengarkan musik, lebih banyak orang membayar untuk musik, tetapi artis masih belum menghasilkan uang.

Fans (itulah kami) masih dianggap sebagai konsumen, meskipun kami adalah orang-orang yang benar-benar membuat bintang super! Kami mencurahkan waktu dan upaya kami untuk memilih, membuat lagu penutup, viral, dan bahkan menulis fiksi untuk artis favorit kami, tetapi tidak ada yang menghargai upaya dan pengabdian kami.

Perantara (distributor dan platform) menghasilkan keuntungan yang berlebihan untuk satu kali tugas sederhana dan tidak 'mentransfer' nilai-nilai siap pakai.

Muzika akan membawa inovasi ke rantai nilai dalam industri musik digital

Kami akan mereformasi bagaimana nilai dibuat dan ditangkap oleh berbagai pemain dalam industri. Kami akan mengembalikan penghargaan kepada mereka yang menciptakan nilai, dari mereka yang hanya mentransfer nilai, sambil memulihkan bagian yang hilang dari pembajakan digital melalui teknologi blockchain.

Yang membuat Muzika berbeda

Usaha Sebelumnya Gagal Amankan Userbase Besar

Proyek blockchain musik sebelumnya telah mengabaikan pentingnya basis pengguna yang besar untuk mencapai adopsi skala luas. Proyek-proyek ini telah menunjukkan bahwa adalah mungkin untuk memberikan tingkat komisi yang lebih tinggi kepada seniman untuk pekerjaan mereka menggunakan transaksi Smart Contract. Namun, untuk artis, tarif komisi rendah yang ditawarkan dari aplikasi streaming musik tradisional yang memiliki basis pengguna yang besar lebih menarik daripada aplikasi blockchain menggunakan transaksi Smart Contract. Contoh kasus, komisi 10% sebesar $ 1.000 dari iTunes lebih disukai daripada komisi 90% sebesar $ 1 dari transaksi Kontrak Pintar.

Muzika Akan Menciptakan Ekonomi Baru Untuk Memberi Insentif kepada Para Pengguna
Muzika bertujuan untuk memberikan musisi yang terbaik dari kedua dunia: tingkat komisi yang lebih tinggi untuk konten kreatif mereka dan basis pengguna yang kuat. Muzika telah mengembangkan sistem yang kuat untuk memberi insentif kepada penggemar untuk berkontribusi pada ekosistem Muzika. Insentif ini akan membangun basis pengguna yang diperlukan bagi Muzika untuk memberikan komisi yang lebih tinggi kepada artis bersama dengan mass usase dari situs streaming musik tradisional. Efek jaringan dari mass userbase akan menjadi kunci untuk mengembangkan ekosistem yang otonom dan mandiri. Dengan kata lain, Muzika dapat menyediakan musisi dengan 90% dari $ 1.000.

Kami Telah Melakukannya Sebelumnya
Muzika telah membuat pencapaian signifikan terhadap pengembangan solusi berkelanjutan untuk ketidakefisiensian dalam industri musik digital. Pada tahun 2015, salah satu pendiri Muzika melihat peluang di industri musik instrumental online dan memulai platform musik instrumental online Mapiacompany. Hanya dalam waktu lebih dari 3 tahun, Mapiacompany telah menjadi platform musik instrumental global # 1 dengan lebih dari 2 juta pengguna. Muzika akan membangun basis pengguna dan komunitas yang ada ini.

Muzika dibangun di atas 2 juta pengguna aktif
Tidak seperti ratusan ICO tanpa bukti kepraktisan, Muzika tidak mulai dari awal. Perekonomian token dibangun dengan kuat di belakang bisnis kami yang ada, menghasilkan keuntungan, dan didanai secara pribadi & publik dengan 2.000.000 pengguna aktif & pelanggan dari 150+ negara dan seniman dari 30+ negara.

Melalui pengalaman bertahun-tahun, kami telah belajar cara-cara yang tepat untuk membangun komunitas yang dijalankan oleh individu yang setia dan insentif: kunci keberhasilan proyek blockchain berbasis masyarakat.

Ekosistem Muzika

Muzika akan menciptakan ekosistem otonom dan mandiri yang digerakkan oleh seniman dan penggemar mereka secara bersamaan, di mana kompensasi dan penghargaan akan menjadi proporsional dengan tingkat pengabdian yang dimasukkan ke dalam kreasi musik dan ekosistem di belakang mereka.
  • Kontrak cerdas akan memungkinkan produk musik digital ditransfer langsung dari artis ke penggemar, memastikan distribusi ekonomi yang lebih adil dan transparan.
  • Fans akan dihargai dengan poin loyalitas untuk berbagai kegiatan komunitas mereka, yang akan secara teratur dikonversi menjadi koin MZK - satu-satunya media pertukaran untuk semua kegiatan ekonomi dalam ekosistem.
  • Fans akan memiliki kesempatan untuk melakukan sponsor langsung kepada artis favorit mereka, mendukung mereka dan menerima manfaat eksklusif sebagai imbalannya.
Token Metrik

Jumlah total token =
Jumlah total token yang dijual = 205.000.000
% untuk dijual = 20,5%
Hard-cap = 20.000 ETH


Inseo Chung
CEO & Co-Founder
Pengusaha Serial dan Profesional Pianis
Juara 2, Kompetisi Musik Pelajar Nasional
Salah satu penambang Ethereum paling awal di Korea

Sangmin Heo
CTO & Co-Founder
Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Hanyang
Global Finalist, Intel Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)
Pengembang Tunggal 'The Bamboo Network'

Jangwon Lee
COO & Co-Founder
Administrasi Bisnis, Universitas Nasional Seoul
Co-founder Shadal Inc dan Youthglobe Korea
Wirausahawan multibahasa dengan jaringan global utama

Tim kita

Seungwon Kang
Blockchain Core Engineer
Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Hanyang
Jaringan Militer ROK dan Spesialis Keamanan IT

Chaehong Jeong
Blockchain Platform Engineer
Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Hanyang
Beberapa Penghargaan dalam Kompetisi PS

Jungwoo Lee
Kepala Pengembangan Bisnis
Akuntan Publik Bersertifikat, Korea (KICPA)
Administrasi Bisnis, Universitas Nasional Seoul

William Wu
Kepala Global PR
Profesional di Cina & Operasi Bisnis Lintas Budaya
Minkyung Lee
Desainer Merek & UX
Komunikasi Visual, Sekolah Iklan AAA


Michael Cho - Direktur Non-eksekutif Kakao
Yoonwoo Lee - (EX) CEO & Wakil Ketua Samsung Electronics
Stella Kung - CMO dari QTUM
JoonKee Hong - Direktur Non-eksekutif Kakao Bank
Inkyu Choi - Naver Venture Capital
Brian Lee - Managing Director, BlackHorse Group
Adrian Lai - Managing Director, BlackHorse Group
Sam Lang - (Ex) Rocket Internet MD
Jonathan Lee - Chief Corporate Officer dari Yello Digital Marketing Group
Alyssa Tsai - Pendiri & CEO PANONY
Myunsik Cho - Pengacara, Dongnyuk LLC
Kevin Yeung - Mitra, Grup Bitshine
JangYoon Kang - Associate di CDIB Capital
Allen Ng - CEO & Pendiri Everest Ventures
Herbie Fu - Pendiri dari T3 Labs / Asia Representative of Cryptic Labs
Dee Hu - Salah satu pendiri T3 Labs / Mitra Global di DoraHacks

Informasi detail:

Situs web : https://www.muzika.network/
Kertas putih : https://www.muzika.network/assets/mzk-whitepaper-en.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/muzika_english
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/muzikanews/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/muzika_official
Nama pengguna: Ta.Form
Tautan Profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350
Eth: 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B

Minggu, 11 November 2018

Excalibur OS - Our Dream Project to gain adoption of 3.5 Billion PC Users

Gambar terkait

A Revolution OS For Computer Systems Like Never Before

An Operating System Designed for PC’s & Laptops, which will solve the issue of Viruses and Data Theft by its unique method of data security system, and additionally it solves second major issue of System users in which the users can now experience several platforms application on Excalibur OS, which means application files from major OS Like “Android, Windows, Mac, iOS & Linux” will be supported by Excalibur Operating System. Follow us on Telegram

About Excalibur OS

Excalibur OS is our dream project to gain adoption of 3.5 billion pc users which are increasing day by day, by our unique idea of having various platforms at one place. This Operating System allows you to run different software application extensions at same time, the system is being built for both 32 Bit and 64 Bit processor. Users have benefit of having a great virtual experience by executing the software that are supported by Windows, Apple Macintosh, Google Android, Linux & Apple iOS on same place.

Benefits To Token Holder

Market Price of ICO will be increasing in near future, which will be a benefit for token holders as per the point of view of trading. Operating System BETA Version will be initially be launched for Token Holders in 1st Quarter of 2019, Mining Management would be very easy by Excalibur OS. No more expensive fees for Antivirus

Tokens can be sold internationally over the internet, Tokens have a liquidity premium (>1000X improvement in time-to-liquidity) Transparency of use of funds, an escrow can be used to verify how the funds are being spent after the ICO Early contributors will have more liquidity in early stage companies Early access to a token which has the potential for rapid capital growth Contributors are usually the first users of the token – thus unlike holding a stock of a company whose products a contributor never used, ironically our tokens can be more tangible than securities

Features of Excalibur OS

Excalibur OS comes with some exciting features other than its UI for Devices like computer & mobile which are described as follows

Presale Bonuses: 50%

Only 200,000,000 XOS will be issued during presale stage

Bonus 30% ICO Stage 1

Bonus 25% ICO Stage 2

Bonus 15% ICO Stage 3

Bonus 10% Last Stage

200 Million Tokens for Sale. 1 XOS = 0.01 USD
22 January - 08 March

400 Million Tokens for Sale. 1 XOS = 0.01 USD
22 January - 08 March

400 Million Tokens for Sale. 1 XOS = 0.01 USD
22 January - 08 March

800 Million Tokens for Sale. 1 XOS = 0.01 USD
22 January - 08 March


This timeline details our funding and development goals.

2014, Q-4 Project Idea Was Proposed

2015, Q-1 The Team Was Build & Development Of Excalibur OS Was Started

2015, Q-4 Kernel Development Was Finished In The Month Of October

2016, Q-1 User Interface Got Ready In February.

2016 Q-2 Virus Protection System For Excalibur OS Was Built.

2016, Q-3 Team Started working on Majon Part i.e. All Platforms Power in a Single Platform.

2017, Q-3 Platform Development Was Finished

2018, Q-1 Mining Management System Development Was Started

2018, Q-2 Excalibur OS Got Official Existence.

2018, Q-3 PRE ICO In September 2018

2018, Q-4 ICO, & Testing on BETA Version

2019, Q-1 BETA Version of Excalibur OS will be releasing & token will be available for trading

2019, Q-3 BETA Version With Artificial Intelligence (AI) like SIRI & Cortana

2019, Q-4 The BETA Version with Next Update will be launched that is Virtual Reality.

Excalibur OS Team

  • Let us introduce you to the team that will make it all happen
  • Suraj Singh Bisht - Founder & CEO Excalibur OS
  • Neeraj Pal Singh Karakoti - Co-Founder & Senior Developer
  • Anmol Agarwal - COO & Front-End Desktop Apps Architect & Developer Expert In C++
  • Dr. Sanjay Agarwal - Desktop & Embedded Software Developer
  • Kavita Gariya - Chief Scientific Developer
  • Sajal Manglik - Mining Management & Node.js Developer
  • Faheem Ahamad - CMO & System Developer
  • Dr. Sartaj Hussain - Test Automation & Security Analyst
  • Brijita Solanki - Mining Management & PHP Developer
  • Trilok Bisht - Mining Management & Node.js Developer

Details Information : 

Website : https://excaliburos.com/
Whitepaper : http://excaliburos.com/whitepaper/Excalibur-OS-whitepaperv1.1.pdf
Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5032767
Telegram : https://t.me/excaliburico
Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/ExcaliburOS/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Medium : https://medium.com/@officialexcaliburos
Twitter : https://twitter.com/OsExcalibur
Username : Ta.Form
Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350
Eth : 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B

UCIM - United Conference of Internet Money

Hasil gambar untuk bounty ucim
About UCIM

Internet money has enabled monetization of ideas paving way for technological revolutions that could not have been imagined a few years back. UCIM envisions to catalyze decentralization in its true essence by bringing together people and experts who believe in its power.

By doing so, this event will offer a middle ground between the traditional structures of centralization and the emerging ideas of a decentralized economy. With this borderless and friction-free network, the world will witness an integration of technologies, businesses, ideas, and dreams.Follow us on Facebook

Who will attend UCIM

Enthusiasts of the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, FinTech, AI, ML and other next-gen technologies from across the globe will attend UCIM. With a balanced mix of investors, thought leaders, startups, and media, the event will rise up to be a platform for propagating the spirit of decentralization and innovation.

  • Investors - For empowering startups capable of bringing a change in the global business space with futuristic technologies
  • Thought Leaders - For equipping the leaders of tomorrow with the best practices and inspiring thoughts.
  • Media - For capturing a conference spanning across industries and technologies that are making headlines.
  • Startups - For pitching high-impact investors and forming valuable connections with thought leaders & Media.

Our Speakers

UCIM will witness some of the best industry speakers along with founders of exceptional blockchain and crypto-based firms to fuel progress together. When agile professionals interact and network with experts from across the globe, and get familiar with their views on the most pressing topics, it is capable of fuelling a neo-revolution.

Tim Draper - Founder, Draper Associates & DFJ
David Siegel - Founder, Pillar Project
Bruce Porter Jr. - CEO, Global Boost
Olza Feldmeier - CEO, Smart Valor
Tone Vays - Trader & Consultant, Content Creator
Igor Chugunov - CEO, Credits
Natan Avidan - CEO, ORCA Alliance
Sonja Prstec - CLO, BITNATION
Pavel Salas - CEO, Tokenbox
Manny Fernandez - CEO, DreamFunded
Andriy Zinchuk - CEO, ICOBox
Babu Munagala - CEO, Zebi
Mohit Mamoria - CEO, Authorito Capital
Hailey Hu - Investor, B Capital Group
Rana Gujral - Advisor, Investor

Conference Agenda

The conference tracks span across a comprehensive and well-researched set of industries and technologies to empower disruptive leadership. The topics have been picked on the basis of trending developments that require an unbiased understanding and expert opinion.

Exploring the ongoing efforts that have fuelled border-less adoption and implementation of disruptive technologies, and what they hold for the future.

Unravelling the art behind garnering successful investments, investor relations, and meeting international requisites for setting up a competent business.

Mapping industry-specific scope across existing as well as future scenarios for leveraging the right opportunities for growth, expansion, and disruption.

Understanding what the current and potential regulations mean across borders and how they can impact businesses seeking to revolutionize this industry.

Yacht Party
Explore exclusive opportunities to network and unwind with high-profile leaders

Investor Roundtable
Leverage undivided attention from thought leaders, investors, and media members

Press Meet
Create the necessary buzz around your project, and form valuable connections

Partners Connect
Form lasting partnerships in a meet up dedicated to networking with entrepreneurs

Get Tickets 

UCIM ticket categories have been customized to meet the needs of students, professionals, and industry giants. With over 500 stakeholders from across the globe and unique networking opportunities, the event offers an experience to evolve as you unwind.

Millennial Ticket
A chance for students, the leaders of tomorrow to understand and embrace next-gen technologies

-Keynote speeches
-Panel discussions
-Access to the exhibit area

Standard Ticket
For stakeholders interested in ever-evolving technologies and industries to learn and progress

-Keynote speeches
-Panel discussions
-Access to the exhibit area
-Participation in awards & competitions
-Networking opportunities with investors
-Partner connect & Roundtables
-UCIM afterparty

VIP Ticket
For visionaries to experience UCIM in its true essence and unwind among global leaders and experts

-Keynote speeches
-Panel discussions
-Access to the exhibit area
-Participation in awards & competitions
-Networking opportunities with investors
-Partner connect & Roundtables
-UCIM afterparty
-Access to press meets & VIP lounge
-Exclusive yacht Party

Meet The Troopers Behind Cryptoverse
  • Bimlesh,Amazement Officer - Project Manager = Balancing between different styles of hair
  • Sukriti ,Crazy Spellcaster - Content Strategist = Writing the “best email ever”to Mr. Draper
  • Krishna ,Trouble Shooter - Production Manager = Singing and performing his heart out
  • Daniel ,Togetherness Chief - Partnership Manager = Correcting everything on his way to perfection
  • Puneet ,Portrait Master - Visual Designer = Throwing away all - modes of communication
  • Shakeel,Hawking Master - Sales and Sponsorship Manager = Talking to someone or everyone about everything
  • Tanya,Director of first impression - PR Executive = Boxing away all the cakes in the world
  • Shweta,Website Wizard - Developer = Telling everyone that she’s ‘just kidding’
  • Rohan ,X-Man - Designation Atheist = Getting something nearly impossible done
Get your exclusive cashback & free tickets to UCIM by becoming an affiliate,

Here’s how you can qualify to be an affiliate

There are multiple avenues where an affiliate could contribute to evangelizing United Conference of Internet Money. It ranges from content marketing, influencer marketing, search engine optimization, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing, pay per click (PPC) campaigns the traditional display advertising.

Details Information

Telegram: https://t.me/UCIMIO 
Username : Ta.Form
Eth : 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B

Selasa, 06 November 2018

EtainPower A Blockchain-based Energy Ecosystem Powered by AI

Hasil gambar untuk bounty etainpower
The power business has ever confronted a superior level of centralized authority as well as performance. While fossil fuel creates economical power, additionally it has been supposed to induce acute and long-lasting air pollution and injury for your setting. In the last few decades the entire world's international forces have started to acknowledge prospective issues resulting from the ingestion of fossil fuels, for example as global warming and air pollution, and numerous authorities have issued procedures to foster the evolution of renewable electricity endeavors. That has spurred amazing advancement from the renewable electricity industry whilst gradually diminishing the expense. Like a consequence the amount of fresh renewable electricity power projects has eclipsed new fossil fuel electrical power endeavors. Back in 2016, sixty percentage of those newly-added worldwide power capacity originated from renewable electricity.

About EtainPower

EtainPower can be currently a renewable energy investment and dealing eco-system enabled by both the block-chain and also AI technologies.Backed with means of a group of top-tier engineers in Silicon Valleyand we released revolutionary block-chain structure to tokenize world wide renewable power resources,enabling them to become exchanged speedily and publicly during our exceptionally decentralized block-chain tech stage at a quick and secure method.


Block-chain tech is an increasingly advanced online data-base technology.It can be a individual, decentralized,verifiable,and also durable database which co-exists in numerous locations and also can be shared with the community.By design and style,block-chain is resistant to data intercepted. The moment a trade transpires around the stage,it's supported by everybody else within this stage.

1.Tokenized Renewable Energy Financing
2.Multiple Usage of Our Energy Token
3.Continuous Value Growth of EPR Token
4.Intelligent Power Utilities

EPR Token 

EPR Token can be actually a stage money that's circulated at the EtainPower vitality eco-system.
The stage money may be properly used for assorted energy ingestion, job unemployment, and job sales sharing.At exactly the exact same period, the EPR Token may be utilised to spend money on assorted kinds of high-tech renewable electricity endeavors. Learn more

EPR Token is going to be published depending around the Ethereum system and also certainly will fully obey all the ERC20 regular. Support with the common ensures efficacy with this market together with thirdparty products and services, and provides simple integration.

SOFT CAP $3,000,000(Reached)
TOTAL SUPPLY 10,000,000,000
HARD CAP $13,000,000


Meet With Our Team

Our heritage staff has comprehensive expertise in disciplines of of renewable power, block-chain and synthetic intelligence. We unite block-chain along with AI engineering and employ them into the worldwide energy system with all the wish to divide the monopoly placement of conventional vitality giants and also attract authentic decentralization into the wise energy eco-system.

Steven Dong - Founder & CEO
Fei Wang - Co-founder & CTO
Ethan Wang - Co-founder & Former CTO
Ran Duan - Director of Marketing
Jeffrey Zhang - Blockchain Engineer
Cheng Ma - Software Engineer
Kewen Cheng - Smartgrid Architecture
Max Guo - Software Engineer
Liya Zeng - Director of BD & Marketing 
(Korea & Japan Market)
Lance Ma - Project Development Manager
Antonio Salvatore - Social Media Operations
David Tschan - Community Manager


Tom Kosnik, Ph.D. 
Professor at Stanford
Tony Hu, Ph.D 
Shuming Cheng
Jijun Ye
Yong He Ph.D. 
Dongyan Wang Ph.D.

Details Information

Username : Ta.Form

Eth : 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B

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