Rabu, 25 April 2018

Hai Project - Hybrid Artificial Intelligence

Hasil gambar untuk bounty Hai Project

The world has been changing with an unprecedent growth in most of the industries but such an immeasurable growth creates some issues.

Multiple infrastructures in every industry have flaws or misconfigured elements, allowing malicious users to abuse their systems or even try to attack them in order to get a personal benefit at the expenses of other people, this is why we need more than just men power.

It has been proven in multiple competitions that Artificial Intelligence is superior to humans when it is guided through the entire learning process this way it helps transforming raw information into usable knowledge.

The most critical industries that the HAI Project Team identified were Financial, Cyber
Security and Business Intelligence sectors.

What is HAI Project?

It is the first Hybrid Artificial Intelligence to combine 3 critical sectors that rule the economy of our environment even though we can’t see it so clearly,Visit here https://www.haiproject.com/

Creating a powerful Hybrid-AI combined with an ecofriendly infrastructure there are no boundaries, providing the opportunity to operate this HAI system through the use of the block chain technology (ERC20 tokens & Smart Contracts) all users with HAI tokens will be able to benefit from the project


The Vision for the HAI Project is to create the first Hybrid Artificial Intelligence capable of detecting new cyber-threats, opportunities both traditional financial markets and data applied to business intelligence,Join to Telegram https://t.me/HAIProject


The main purpose of HAI is to provide the chance to small business owners to compete against big companies with millions of dollars destined to market research and marketing, have the chance to do profitable trading and finally to protect themselves and their business from criminals of all over the world.


A traditional AI system is very expensive and not available for normal users, with HAI the game changes, providing a cheap and powerful AI capable of :

1- Market Prediction

In order to have a successful trading experience, many hours or even days of research are needed to decide when to make a trade, normal people don’t have that time, you don’t have that time.
HAI does the heavy lifting so you can spend time doing what you really love, but if you are deep into market research HAI can help you to take better decisions, 1 HAI and 1 brain are better than just a brain.

2- Threat Hunting

Attackers are becoming smarter and enhancing the complexity of their tools, it will be HAI the one who is going to protect you and even your business from these criminals, using threat hunting, malware analysis and behavioral analysis techniques.

3- Decision Making

Business Intelligence can help small business to increase their sales providing a strong analysis of possible scenarios, market research and product development. Just because we don’t start with tons of resources it doesn’t mean we are unable to compete against bigger competitors, HAI provides a cheap research and decision making helper platform for you and your ideas.

Token Supply & Sale

The implementation of the tokens will be through a Smart Contract which is going to generate tokens according to Pre-ICO and ICO orders at the rates specified below. There is a tokens hard cap of 100MILLION HAI tokens



Pre-ICO April 30th to May 13th
ICO Phase 1 May 14th to May 27th
ICO Phase 2 May 28th to June 11th


Price: 0.0004ETH for each HAI token
This will include a 20% bonus.

ICO Phase 1

Price: 0.0005ETH for each HAI token
A 15% bonus will be included.

ICO Phase 2

Price: 0.0005ETH for each HAI token
A 10% bonus will be included.

Funds Allocation

In case the ICO process doesn’t reach the Hard cap the remaining tokens will be burned giving a higher value to bought HAI tokens in the Pre-ICO and ICO phases. Since HAI Project is public and open to the project the funds allocation will be too, the main plan for the funds is for research, hardware, operations and marketing.

Buy-Back Program

The objective of the buyback program is to help the tokens have a similar value to the computing power of the HAI Project, this program will consist of buying certain amounts of HAI tokens from exchanges affecting directly the trading increasing the price.

Technical Point-of-View

The technical implementation for the whole HAI Project (including AI system and Contract Creation Platform) will use a combination of multiple programming languages and services, as for the threat hunting and data learning from cyber security public services like Shodan and HIBP will be used to gather massive information. In order to create the HAI’s main system Python, Lisp and Prolog are going to be used for the structure of the artificial intelligence, each will provide:

Using some of the most powerful programming languages is the key to provide a high-end effective HAI system, capable of fulfilling all the features specified above, time is the only thing our team needs to unify the 3 main cores of HAI.



Since this is will be the initial phase of the project these objectives are needed in order to get a healthy growth in the following years.

Team Creation: The goal is to find at least 20+ experts in dierent industries, those are: Artificial Intelligence,Front-end,Back-End,Marketing,Financial,Cybersecurity and Big Data.

Facility Arrangements: Acquire the entire infrastructure needed to build the hosting supercomputer where the hardware will be adjusted to the raised funds in the ICO. Partnership Agreements: In order to get high-scope clients it is required to find the right business partners able to help us build a good and stable organization/infrastructure.

Release of test-net V1: The first version of our AI powered by our own facility will be released at a 5% capacity in order to start testing deep learning capabilities of the system. Exchanges Trading: Multiple exchanges will allow HAI trading in order to allow investors to start buying tokens for computing power assignation.

Product Development: Once research has been done and the test-net v1 released, the future services and/or products to be released will be fully structured, in order to deliver them at the early 2019.
Test Net Upgrade:After a lot of research and testing, the main test-net of the AI will get an upgrade adding better deep learning instructions for mass scaling allowing the AI to decrease its learning curve. Multiple industries learning: Once the learning curve of the AI has been decreased, the mass learning process will start allowing it to actively gather more knowledge.

Product Lineup Release: After legal issues have been settled and strategic partnerships signed, the official lineup of services/products will be released allowing business to take advantage of the HAI Artificial Intelligence. Facility Upgrade: According to the usage of the overall resources by the AI an upgrade will be made increasing the computing power depending of the projected needs. Main-net Release: The Main-Net allowing customers to use the AI in real time will be released to the public. Lending Platform Release: Allowing HAI holders to lend tokens through our web application using the power of smart contracts.


New facility creation: In the plan of expanding the business scope, another facility will be created adding 1,000+ GPUs to the main net, decreasing the learning curve of the AI. Business Expansion: Multiple locations will be opened in critical countries allowing HAI to have a worldwide presence. Product Lineup Expansion: As planned previously developed products and services will be released to the public for business inquires.

HAI Box: Once HAI has been tested for a long period and the self-learning capabilities have been fully developed an enterprise environment can be reached providing HAI Boxes to interested companies.

Our Team


For more information and updates on the project and its development, including many interesting details about team composition, support and technology, interested parties are invited to join the whitelist by filling out the appropriate forms on their site https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3246367

Follow Us On : 

Official Website : https://www.haiproject.com/

Whitepaper : https://www.haiproject.com/documents/HAIProject.V1.0.1.pdf

ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3246367

Telegram : https://t.me/HAIProject

Medium : https://medium.com/@haiproject

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/officialhaiproject/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/ProjectHai

Author : Ta.Form

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350

Eth Address : 0xaFA49103b15834D6bCF6ac5a2664b0c85e379b4E

INSPEM - Video Pengenalan Wajah Pada Jaringan Syaraf

Hasil gambar untuk bounty INSPEM

Tentang INSPEM

INSPEM diperkenalkan pada tahun 2015
Karna orang-orang mereka temui secara acak di kereta bawah tanah, di taman atau di lokasi lain. Kami berasumsi bahwa layanan semacam itu terutama akan digunakan oleh penonton laki-laki. Namun, seperti yang ditunjukkan data statistik, perempuan membuat 40% dari semua pengumuman. Para wanita telah mengambil foto orang-orang yang mereka sukai di jalan dari kejauhan, mengunggah foto-foto itu ke layanan kami dan menunggu beberapa kenalan mengenali pria itu dan membagikan profil jejaring sosialnya,Baca Selengkapnya di https://inspem.com/WP_en.pdf

Inilah tepatnya versi pertama dari produk itu beberapa tahun yang lalu. Pada saat fondasi layanan kami ingin menjadi semacam analog dari acara TV "Wait for me», tetapi sebagai layanan online.
«Wait for me» adalah acara TV Rusia yang membantu menemukan lebih dari 200.000 orang sejak pertama kali ditayangkan pada tahun 1999. Permintaan baru untuk menemukan orang-orang dari seluruh penjuru Bumi diterima setiap 10 menit. Lebih dari 3 juta orang hilang ada di basis data acara. Hanya ada dua negara, di mana «Wait for me» belum mencari orang, dan mereka adalah Antigua dan Barbuda dan Cape Verde,bergabunglah dengan Telegram grup kami https://t.me/inspem

Pada tahun 2016
kami memutuskan untuk mengubah arah. Keinginan kami untuk mencapai pasar multibillion dan menjadi perusahaan yang lebih berteknologi maju, yang menggunakan kecerdasan buatan dan mampu menerapkan analitik video berdasarkan pembelajaran jaringan syaraf untuk pengenalan wajah ini telah membentuk visi baru dari platform INSPEM.

Pekerjaan Data Besar dan analisis video canggih memungkinkan kita tidak hanya untuk memenuhi permintaan individu pribadi untuk menyelesaikan tugas sehari-hari, tetapi juga menggunakan sumber daya kami untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang lebih mulia dan penting. Tugas-tugas ini termasuk penyediaan keamanan kota, keterlibatan langsung dalam pencarian kriminal, menyelamatkan kehidupan orang-orang di jalanan, menjadi cara yang lebih efektif untuk pencarian orang hilang. Bekerja sama dengan raksasa IT dunia, kami akan dapat membangun «kota pintar».

Kegunaan Layanan Inspem

Inspem memiliki banyak Kelebihan,Berikut diantaranya :

  • Pencarian orang hilang
  • Pencarian Pengamat/Saksi
  • Pencarian Kriminal
Solusi Yang Diberikan : 

Setiap orang di planet ini akan dapat menghubungkan kamera IP, smartphone, atau perekam mengemudi ke platform kami di tingkat perangkat lunak. Sambungan akan dibentuk oleh sarana DynDNS atau layanan P2P, yang paling mudah diakses oleh pengguna biasa. Kamera akan tetap berada di tempat yang sama dan merekam rekaman seperti biasa. Satu-satunya persyaratan adalah koneksi Internet. Layanan Inspem pun digunakan oleh beberapa Kalangan seperti : 
  • Untuk struktur pemerintahan
  • Untuk menyelamatkan kehidupan orang-orang
  • Untuk pengguna
Proyek Ico
  • Pra Penjualan 20 Maret 2018 - 16 April 2018    
  • Hard cap : 2,000 ETH
  • Harga token : 1 ETH = 5 000 INP
  • Bonus : 50-100%
  • ICO 01 Mei 2018 - 28 Mei 2018     
  • Hard cap : 30,000 ETH
  • Harga token : 1 ETH = 5 000 INP
  • Bonus : 0-30%
Peta Jalan

  • Mikhail Bondarenko - Pendiri CEO
  • Vyacheslav Jhurkin - CTO Co-Founder
  • Andrey Jhukov - iOS dan Pengembang Android
  • Alexdander Strakh - Pengembang Kontrak Pintar
  • Alexander Matvienko - Administrator Sistem
  • Lidiya Tarakanova - manajer PR
  • Vitaliy Murugov - Pengacara. Ekonomi
  • Anna Derkunskaya - Desainer
  • Boris Gorohov - Pengacara di Asia
  • Vadim Ivanenko 
  • B. Lee Jones 
  • Umar Shafiq
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut serta update mengenai proyek dan pengembangannya, termasuk banyak rincian menarik mengenai komposisi tim, pendukung dan teknologi, pihak yang berkepentingan diundang untuk bergabung dengan daftar putih tersebut dengan mengisi formulir yang sesuai yang terdapat di situsnya https://ico.inspem.com/

Untuk Informasi Selengkapnya,Silahkan lihat LINK berikut ini :

Situs Resmi : https://ico.inspem.com

Kertas Putih : https://inspem.com/WP_en.pdf

Twitter : https://twitter.com/inspem_com

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/inspem

Medium : https://medium.com/@inspem

Telegram : https://t.me/inspem

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O7VFi4HtIY

Penulis : Ta.Form

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350

Eth : 0xaFA49103b15834D6bCF6ac5a2664b0c85e379b4E

Marginless - revolutionizing the betting industry

Hasil gambar untuk bounty Marginless

With the use of blockchain, cryptocurrency provides the speed and anonymity that has made cryptocurrency ideal for people looking to wager safely and has given sports gamblers an alternative to traditional online books. The speed of cryptocurrency transactions makes using cryptocurrency sportsbooks a much safer option to everyone than traditional sportsbooks. You can deposit, wager, withdraw, and have your money back in an immediate control.

While using the Blockchain, your transactions are fast and cheap, it will reduce high fees and will also ensure high levels of international liquidity. Blockchain-based system is universal and ideal for any country, so there is no need in modifying the program for every region or in adopting specific payment methods. Use of a decentralized system eliminates the risk of fraud on the part of sportsbooks, the risk for an account getting blocked and problems with withdrawing funds for regular bettors. Also, blockchain highly reduces the costs of the infrastructure. Because of that, more funds can be used for the project’s development,visit here https://www.marginless.io/docs/MRS_Whitepaper.pdf

What is Marginless?

Marginless is a betting exchange and a social betting network, where all users can share their betting insights, create their own markets, place bets against their friends or oppositors without being overcharged or simply tricked.

Marginless is revolutionizing the betting industry. Bet against anyone, anywhere and anytime, using our unique Face to Face betting interface. Create your own, unique, betting markets and at the same time get industry-low 1% commission.

Marginless will guarantee quick payouts with industry leading, lowest fees. No more worries about bookmakers adjusting your bets or not paying out your winnings due to hidden rules or/and regulations. Marginless platform works with MRS Utility Tokens only. With that, KYC procedure becomes really user-friendly and simple. Platform will also offer a simplified registration and will not centrally store any of your personal data.

The main difference between Marginless and other betting platforms

There are several Marginless advantages over regular betting platforms. First of all - is the first betting exchange powered by blockchain. Secondly, using our platform absolutely ANYONE can become a bookmaker and create their own markets that people can wager in. Please check our whitepaper for more detailed comparison with different betting platforms.


One of the biggest problems that current bettors face is unfair odds. This is one of the main reasons why most of regular bettors are struggling to become profitable. The fear of regularly losing against bettors while also being regulated, charged and extra taxed by governments, forces regular sports books to charge up to 8.5% margin on all placed bets. For example, the biggest bookmakers in the world offers odds of 1.83 (on most markets) for selections they see as a coinflip. With these odds the bettor, in order to become or stay profitable, has to win at least 54,64% of bets placed. Additionally, those bettors, who manage to beat these unfair margins, are being taxed by governments.


Due to the fact that Marginless is operating as a peer-to-peer betting operator and does not require huge risk management or a full traders team, bettors will have a possibility to place bets with an industry leading 1% that will be charged from those who won only !
For example, Golden State Warriors are playing against Cleveland Cavaliers. Player A places a bet of 100 MRS on Golden State Warriors for their win at the odds of 2.00 and the bettor is being matched against a Player B, who is betting 100 MRS on Cleveland Cavaliers at the odds of 2.00. Whichever team wins, the winner gets 198 MRS in return.

Face to Face betting will work

Face to Face betting is a new type of betting that lets the user to place a bet against his friends or simply other users that have different opinions. Face To Face betting allows 2 clashing users with different opinions to bet on a different outcome against each other directly. You can send a bet offer to other users with a few simple clicks and after the bet has been accepted by another user – placed bets will be locked using Smarts Contracts and both of you will be placed in a Face to Face betting interface.


SOFT   CAP     4.000 ETH
HARD CAPn 21.000 ETH


Meet The Team


For more information and updates, and development, nothing of interest from team composition, support and technology, interested parties are invited to join the whitelist with the appropriate list contained on its website https://www.marginless.io/

Follow Us on : 

Username : Ta.Form

Eth Address Wallet : 0xaFA49103b15834D6bCF6ac5a2664b0c85e379b4E

Invox Finance - A Decentralized Invoice Financing Solutions for a Connected World

Hasil gambar untuk bounty invox finance

https://www.invoxfinance.io/ announces ICO where initial participants are invited to join this project and contribute to the lowest possible price.

Blockchain technology provides a digital trust mechanism for humans that increases the efficiency of value exchange and reduces costs, a truly credible and efficient Invox is coming and getting closer.

The Invox Finance platform is an invoice loan platform that enters the invoice financing industry worth US $ 2.8 trillion. Several sellers and buyers test the Invox Finance Platform with ABR Finance as a trusted investor. ABR Finance is a successful invoice finance company and has helped fund business in all over Australia with A $ 30 million in invoicing. Because the team at ABR Finance Pty Ltd is behind Invox Finance and ABR will be the first customer of Invox Finance.

Platform will comprise of the following:

1. The Blockchain or Distributed Ledger (Ethereum Network)
2. Dynamic Invoice Smart Contracts
3. Loans Smart Contracts
4. User Access and Processing Hub

Who is Invox Finance?

Invox Finance Pty Ltd was founded by members of the ABR Finance Pty Ltd team, a successful invoice financing company based in Australia. As our team is currently undergoing an expansion phase, please visit our website (www.invoxfinance.io) for the most up to date information on our team.

What is Invoice Financing?

Traditional invoice financing is based on a financier purchasing invoices from the seller.In return, the financier agrees to advance monies to the seller against each invoice. The buyer who purchased the seller’s products must pay the invoices directly to the financier.

Platform Overview The Invox Finance Platform will comprise of the following:

The Invox Finance platform is a peer-to-peer distributed invoicing loan platform that will allow sellers, buyers, investors and other service providers to connect, interact, share, and distribute information.

This platform will facilitate an environment system where trust between the parties is developed through a built-in reward system. Implementation of transactions and information flows does not depend on a single centralized service provider, but is governed by a set of transparent rules executed on a fully distributed ledger,visit here https://invoxfinance.io/docs/Invox-Whitepaper.pdf
Dynamic Invoice - Smart Contract

A set of Dynamic Invoice Smart Contracts will be distributed to Ethereum mainnet.
They will facilitate invoices and registration are fully distributed for dynamic. Invoices in the general ledger and dynamic invoices will also be stored as additional information, verification status invoices, advances made on invoices and payments received. They will also make sure the information stored in the ledger is transparent,reliable and secure.Blockchain data structures represent invoices to be used as tamper proof. It allows all major ledgers to view the state of the invoice with respect to the time.

Smart Credit Contract

This smart contract will also be distributed on Ethereum mainnet.This contract will allow the flow of funds between investors, sellers and buyers.The terms and conditions of the loan will be coded into a smart contract and provides assurance to all participants that the terms and conditions will be enforced, this smart contract leads to funds for certain parties (when certain smart contract conditions are met) and activates loan fragmentation to reduce risk for investors.

Access Users and Process Hubs

This is where all parties will meet and interact with each other. Hub's main objective is to allow investors, sellers, buyers and others interested parties to have seamless and efficient ways to communicate, exchange information, and facilitate initiation and execution of various contracts and smart processes.

Integration of Bank APIs

Works cron linux / python will arranging calls from our banking API partners to smart contract.It will be hosted on Microsoft Azure cloud hosting, using "Key Vaults" for key management. Spread in the future can be run in the local data center using HSM Gameloto to facilitate transactions signing.

Advantages Invox Finance
  • Transparency Any interested party, which has permission, can view the terms of the transaction on the blockchain ledger.
  • Reduced counterparty risk Once the transaction is established between the parties and deployed on the blockchain, the execution of the terms of the smart contract cannot be stopped, interfered with or manipulated.
  • Reduced fraud risk Smart Contracts, together with invoice verifications, reduce the risk of fraud and manipulation by any one party - Smart Contracts exist on the distributed ledger and therefore cannot be manipulated or interfered with by a single party.
  • Decentralised Smart Contracts eliminate the risk of trusting the centralised service provider to maintain the integrity of the transaction. The service provider does not have any direct involvement in managing the execution of the terms of the smart contract or the flow of funds between parties.

Token Allocation & Sales Structure

Funds Breakdown

Marketing Estimated at 45 %

Ensuring that there is a strong user base and community will be one of the key areas of focus for the management team in the early years of Invox Finance. This includes educating sellers and buyers as to the benefits of being granted Invox Tokens and the value it generates within the Invox Finance Platform itself.
  • Community Engagement - The founding team aims to initially build a user-base and community through grassroots engagement and has been doing so in its pre-ICO and ICO campaigns. As the user base scales, more funds will be allocated into community managers as well as building a professional marketing strategy to create brand recognition.
  • Third Party Providers - A portion of this allocation will also be used to create partnerships and alliances with third party service providers to the Invox Finance Platform. Third party service providers (such as credit assessment agencies and debtor insurance companies) will play a key role in providing added value to the system, enabling better decision making, reducing administrative burdens and compliance with legislative requirements.
  • International Scaling - Once the Invox Finance Platform has a steady user base in Australia, the management team will focus their attention on international expansion and global scalability.

Internal Investment Fund Estimated at 20%

An internal investment fund will be created to ensure that there is sufficient initial liquidity within the system. The return generated by this fund will be utilised as follows:
  • 50% of the returns will be reinvested into the Internal Investment Fund,
  • 30% of the returns will be set aside to facilitate the costs associated with debt recovery within the system, and
  • 20% of the returns will be utilised to set up a debtor insurance fund.
Therefore, the general mandate for this fund is to benefit the system and its users by providing funds for liquidity, debt recovery and risk reduction.

System Development Estimated at 15%

The other key focus for the management team will be executing the Invox Finance Platform’s software and system development. A Proof of Concept System including the Dynamic Invoice Smart Contract was created by the founding team, before receiving any funding, to showcase the system’s core features.

A Minimum Viable Product will be developed. Once an MVP is created and user tested, the funds raised from the ICO will be allocated to build the complete eco system as described within this White Paper.

Professional Services Estimated at 19%

This will cover all legal, accounting, auditing and any other professional services required by Invox Finance as well as the overhead costs.

Miscellaneous Estimated at 1%

This expenditure item allocates funds to all unforeseen costs.

Meet the Invox Finance Team

 Our Advisors

 Our Partners


Q3 2017 - Idea formulated

Q4 2017 - Incorporated as Invox Finance Pty Ltd

Q1 2018 - Proof of concept code and testing

Q1 2018 - Wireframe

Q1 2018 - V1 of the whitepaper

Q1 2018 - V1 of the website

Q1 2018 - Presale began

Q1 2018 - Presale sold out

Q2 2018 - V2 of the whitepaper

Q2 2018 - V2 of the website

Q2 2018 - Complete ICO

Q2 2018 - Distribute Invox Tokens

Q2 2018 - Mockup complete for buyer, seller and investors journeys

Q3 2018 - First invoice issued on alpha platform

Q4 2018 - Initial user testing on beta platform

Q1 2019 - Invox Finance debit cards become available

Q2 2019 - Mobile application testing

Q2 2019 - Integration with Celsius

Q2 2019 - Launch into second region

Q3 2019 - Mobile application release

Q4 2019 - Launch into third region

For more information and updates on the project and its development, including many interesting details about team composition, support and technology, interested parties are invited to join the whitelist by filling out the appropriate forms on their site https://www.invoxfinance.io/

Follow us On : 

Official Website : https://www.invoxfinance.io/

Whitepaper : https://www.invoxfinance.io/docs/Invox-Whitepaper.pdf

ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3048498.0

Twitter : https://twitter.com/InvoxFinance

Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/invoxfinance/

My Bitcointalk Name : Ta.Form

My Bitcointalk Url : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350

Eth Address Wallet : 0xaFA49103b15834D6bCF6ac5a2664b0c85e379b4E

Selasa, 24 April 2018

Kaching Coins the most complete ecosystem of investments in the world and supported by Blockchain

Hasil gambar untuk bounty Kaching

Blockchain technology provides a variety of digital beliefs that can increase the money market to be dominated by the world of cryptocurrency, Value trade is never free from the rise and fall of fluctuations in the value of money and fluctuations of money exchange, reasonable for commercial crypto companies to keep the system from investing, in addition to the company has no creative ideas, and here we will explain about Kaching Coins Company.

KACHING COINS At the beginning of the year, there are a large number of commercial and commercial cryptographic markets dominated by the market and a commercial cryptographic company with certain features.KACHING COINS Company Being one of the largest companies with great future success in the world of Cryptocurrency.

Company KACHING COINS Become one of the largest companies with great success in the future. In the world of Cryptocurrency, trading never never escaped the rise and fall of the fluctuations in the value of money and the fluctuations in money exchanges, it is natural for these commercial crypto companies to keep the system out of investment, in addition to the company not having a creative idea.

Why Kaching Coins?

Kaching Coins is the world’s most complete investment ecosystem, powered by Blockchain.

Kaching Coins(KAC) is mechanism for transferring value within the ecosystem breathing life in all subsystems and micro ecosystems by offering a complete investment and trading ecosystem.

Financial freedom is the one constant when asking people about their financial ambitions. However, 90% of traders and investors lose money due to making desperate and emotional choices with their hard-earned savings in order to get ahead in life. They also lose big because of the ambiguity and hidden agendas of certain centralized institutions. Within these centralized institutions, the share of information is ineffective and third-party manipulation is endemic. KachingCoins was developed with one goal in mind, to create a global decentralized and transparent network for the people, to diversify investment and secure their financial freedom.

Kaching Coins(KAC) will be sole mechanism for transferring value within the ecosystem-breathing life in all subsystems and micro-ecosystems by offering a complete investment and trading ecosystem- We create value for both the investor and user of KAC. Kaching Coins is truly the most utilizable token. With a finished product ready to be tested by Pre-ICO investors, Kaching Coins is the world’s most complete investment ecosystem, powered by Blockchain. Kaching is one of the results of the development of the blockbuster industry that has experienced good performance and excellent ideas based on a system that directly opens up opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investments. Being one of the first platform platforms to be generated, this company wants to realize and help investors to worry more about the economic weakness that many are suffering in the world in the concept of mutual assistance as an investment that can be exchanged by registered users in this blockchain.

They also lose big because of the ambiguity and hidden agendas of certain centralized institutions. Within these centralized institutions, the share of information is ineffective and third party manipulation is endemic.

KachingCoins was developed with one goal in mind, to create a global decentralized and transparent network for the people, to diversify investment and secure their financial freedom. Explore KachingCoins, the Most Complete Investment Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain.
  • Ready To Use: Millions of dollar already invested in platforms of the ecosystem
  • World-Wide Community: More than 100,000,000 investors around the globe
  • Huge Market Cap: 20 trillion dollar market size of investment intruments
Why Kaching Is Different And Better

Forbes.com, Mega.online, and Quara.com are just a drop in the proverbial water bucket of the online website with an article claiming that cryptocurrency is faster, more secure, and more convenient than any other contenders out there. Powered by blockchain, this is claiming ka-ching is confidently prove as we progress to become the most complete trading and investment ecosystem in the world.

Kaching will sport a variety of trading product. With 160 trading instrument in 7 categories; Forex, Stocks, Indices, Metal, Energy, Cryptocurrency, and Agriculture, Kaching will be one of the most, diversified trading platform in the world. Combine that with the other service we provide; Brokerage, Exchange, Payment System, Banking and Wallet Solutions, Fund and Venture Capital, Social Trading and R&D, Kaching will truly become the Silk Route of Financial Trading in the 21st Century.


So, how does Blockchain answer to the needs of Transparency, Accountability, Safety, Security, Speed, and Trust? To answer this question, let's look at the following diagram first :

1. Transparency, Accountability, Safety, Security, Speed, and Trust.

Using the power of Blokchain,Kaching aims to address all market needs within the Financial Trading Industry.Transparency,Accountability,Safety,Security,Speed and Truts being the main needs of the market,Kaching has Addressed these needs by becoming the first blockchain powered social Trading and Investment Platform.

2. Faster and Easier Deposit and Withdrawal Methods.

Kaching has indentified there key Client Archetypes;Broker,Investors and Fund Manager (Trader). Understanding the needs of each Client Archetype,we have skillfully adapted our services to answer to these essentials.

3. The Client.
  • The Broker
Brokers will be welcome to create their our company profiles on the Kaching Social Trading Platform. Here they will able to reach the bigger market and communicated easily to potential traders even IB's.
  • The Investor
Any user of any Social Media Platform can tell you that user Interface and Usability of the software are crucial to User Experience and Platform Functional. The ability to easily search (Info and Funds), Allocate (Info and Capital), and Share (Info and Experience) are therefore some of the most important priorities when thinking of the "Investor's Experience".
  • The fund Manager (Trader)

KachingCoins was developed with one goal in mind,to create a global decentralized and transparent network for the people, to diversify investment and secure their financial freedom,and Explore KachingCoins the Complete Investment Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain.

“The main reason why Kaching is so intrinsically different than most ICO’s out there is the fact that our ecosystem was built to bring value to the token. We already have a product and we have a client base who will utilize the token throughout the Ecosystem. It is already growing! It is inevitable!“- Stephan Roos.

Kaching Ecosystem

The Kaching Ecosystem will become the complete investment ecosystem powered by Blockchain, which provides tremendous value for each and another participant. The Kaching Coin (KAC) will be the center and the source of power of the ecosystem. Each individual section will also fairy contribute to the appreciation of KAC value.

Kaching Coin (KAC) serves as a mechanism for transferring value in the kaching ecosystem. We create value for both the investor and user of KAC,For more ijnformation,
Please visit here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VDImRBOHQVYeDVSvy3qkkcgrn9vaeF43/view.
Kaching Coins is truly the most utilizable token. With a finished product ready to be tested by Pre ICO investors.

Token Details

Every change in this company has a very special commercial value.Facilitating potential investors is one of the things that CryptoCurrency companies should classify in the world, but it provides clear and detailed details and at the same time represents a roadmap that determines whether the company truly values the future investor.

If you are looking for a place to negotiate a market in currency markets, this is the solution you can take as one of the main options of the cryptographic trading market based on the blockchain platform.

It comes with the latest blockchain platform technology KACHING COINS Market is one of the great benefits for shareholders' profit and is one of the crypto exchanges through market democracy system,join our Telegram Group https://t.me/kachingcoins.

Tokenization & Bonus program
  • Token Standart - Ethereum ERC 20 Token
  • Token Name: KAC
  • Quantity: 247,000,000 KAC
  • Platform: Universal ERC-20
  • Exchange Rate: Starting At 0.2 USD
  • Our Pre-ICO sale will start on the 31st of March.
Token Allocation

Token Distribution Schedule through ICO

Distribution of Funds

Most current of Trading Platforms will not be able to offer you the option to diversify your fund's allocation when it comes to investing in multiple trading instruments.With the kaching ecosystem, you will be able to allocate your capital into different investment streams so as to manage your risks better and not have all your capital in one proverbial egg basket. Diversity and investment customization is part of what Kaching wants to offer to the market.

Project Timeline
  • 2015 – 2017 :  Project Foundation Idea creation, team forming, Kaching Global Fintech Ltd. was founded in London, UK. Company number 11095157
  • Feb 2018 : Token Private Sales Private round of token distribution for early adopters with 66% bonus in the amount of only 2 weeks.
  • Mar 2018 : Token Private Sales The first and second open rounds for token release. Each round lasts for 2 weeks only. Buy with 33% bonus.
  • Apr 2018 : Pre ICO The main 4 rounds of token release for the public. Each round lasts for 2 weeks only. Buy with 25% bonus
  • May 2018 : ICO Kaching Coin (KAC) started to be listed in internal and global exchanges, facilitate trading.
  • Sep 2018 : Grand Lauching Social Trading Platform, the first key element in the ecosystem where investors, traders, IBs share profit with each other
  • Q1, 2019 : Massive Funds And Users Bringing in world class funds dramatically increases the profitability of the investors and the total value of the ecosystem
  • Later On : The Most Complete Ecosystem Develop Acedemy, RnD Lab, Whole ecosystem and start sharing dividends to token holders.
Team Members and Advisors

1.DEREK SANDHEINRICH - Fintech Expert / Advisor
 Derek is Globally Incisive and Passionate entrepreneur who is consistently result oriented and a strong analytical thinker.

2.STEPHAN ROOS - CEO / Co - Founder
 Business consultant,marketing expert,international strategist.

3.SIMON BOLVIG MARK - Social Trading Expert / Advisor
 An Expert in providing disruptive and innovative solutions to the financial industry.

4.TAHSIN HAYKAL - Brokerage Expert
 Tahsin is an Experienced Brokerage Director with a demonstrated history of working in the capital market industry.

5.TUNG PHAN - Chief Human Resource Officer
 Tung has over 24 years of Experience.

6.JAMES THAI - Technical Expert

 25 + years of Leadership Experience in IT Transformation,Innovation,and Emerging Technology.


we want to offer our  clients the choice to customize their own financial interest and build towards financial freedom.we assure absolute transparency as all transactions are recorded by the blokchain system.There will be no transaction fees and third party manipulation.

Having your investment on Blokchain and owning CryptoCurrency,one can be assured that such funds or capital cannot be seized by any third party or institution,as it is not Controlled by any Centralized Federal Reserve.Using the Blokchain Platform ,it is also Virtually Impossible to be Hacked.

Join our whitelist to get a token.The Token KachingCoins Sales Team is our first platform client. We run a referral program on the KachingCoins decentralized platform for Pre-ICO and Token Sales.

Follow Us on :

Official Website : https://kachingcoins.io/

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Kachingcoins/

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/kaching-coin/

Medium : https://medium.com/@kachingcoins

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXdRlC0a7EoGTYL1Yvu3Oiw

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kachingcoins/?hl=vi

Google Plus : https://plus.google.com/116232612207694142660

Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.co.uk/Kachingcoins/

Tumblr : https://kachingcoins.tumblr.com/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/KachingCoins

Join to Telegram Group : https://t.me/kachingcoins

Whitepaper : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VDImRBOHQVYeDVSvy3qkkcgrn9vaeF43/view

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350

Eth Address Wallet : 0xaFA49103b15834D6bCF6ac5a2664b0c85e379b4E

Senin, 23 April 2018

NOLLYCOIN-The Official Coin Of African Movies

Hasil gambar untuk https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3013329.0

The Nollytainment Project is focused on developing a peer-to-peer movie streaming
Platform using decentralized ledger system, and building an entertainment ecosystem, which uses blockchain technology, to provide lasting solutions to some major problems in the movie industries in 3rd world countries and beyond,visit https://nollycoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Nollycoin-White-Paper.pdf

Nollycoin will be the official means of exchange in this new movie entertainment.


Here are some solutions and opportunities that Nollycoin is bringing into the entertainment ecosystem :

  1. Hard working movie producers win.
  2. Collaborators and creative artistes in the movie production chain win.
  3. Movie financiers and stakeholders in each completed movie win.
  4. Open and transparent record-keeping ledgers for all stakeholders.
  5. Big open data on Nollycoin blockchain can also lead to more intelligent movies and other creative works recommendation.



Nollycoin was conceived, designed and created to provide cutting edge solution to the intractable problems of Nollywood (African Movies generally) Some of the direct and immediate purposes of Nollycoin to address specific problems in the industry include:
  • Provide Copyright Protection and Solve Piracy Issues
  • Provide Universal means of exchange for Nollywood movies
  • Provide top Financial Backing for some of the best Producers in the Nollywood to
  • Provide Multi-level World Wide distribution to justify financial investment
  • To Provide Access to Financing and Capital to product qualitative movies
  • Enable Fair Compensation for collaborators in creating the movies

The 3 Core objectives behind the Nollycoin Tokensale are:

1.To build a blockchain powered peer-to-peer Content Delivery Platform with Nollycoin as the primary medium of exchange, where:

a)Creative Artistes can list their contents under a smart contract that implements the compensation structure for all collaborators in the movie production process without any 3rd party intervention.
b)Buyers will be able to make direct micro payments for movies to all content stakeholders with one click.
c) ecognized in the original smart contract will all get paid simultaneously y 3rd party involvement.
d) opyrights of collaborators are registered and secured permanently in an unchangeable decentralized ledger that cannot be altered or changed by anyone, parties will be needed to enforce it.

2. Along with raising funds for our next-generation content distribution platform, we are token sale to set up a fund for creating and acquiring a slate of exclusive interna Blockbuster films to attract users to our platform. In addition we will have get film makers to have exclusive listing on our movie portal for new vies using Nollycoin.

3. opportunities for our project supporters with opportunities to acquire tokens ovide tangible utility for them beyond the normal holding and trading tokens they get for supporting our project. We will also be allowing our token also use their Nollycoin Tokens as Excusive Premium Tickets to watch and access Viewers purchased Everyone r without an Different c and no 3rd also using our tional ongoing efforts to blockbuster mo To provide that will pr activities in the holders to the movies on the Nollytainment platform and in partner movie theaters as we roll our movie productions,Join to Telegram https://t.me/nollycoin

The main selling points of the Nollytainment / Nollycoininitiative are : 

1.Nollytainment brings innovative Solutions to major problems limited the potential and expansion of Nollywood and 3RD World movie Industries.

2.Our Team of Founders, Executives and Advisory Boards include top executives with decades of experience in managing major business projects and in bringing timely and innovative solutions to different indust r ies including Entertainment, Business, and Stock Trading etc.

3. We have put together a solid Team and Network of Partners with Creative Talents and Movie Executive experience to help us achieve the vision - Our team includes experienced executives in the Nollywood and African Entertainment industry and the best of the best Nollywood Movie Producers with over 5,000 films to their combined credits, with most of their movies starring some of the top celebrities in the industry.

4.We have put together a solid Technical Team in Web development and Cryptocurrency and who have been involved in all levels of the cryptocurrency world, including mining, token development, trading, and networking with like-minded individuals and communities.

5. We have a Solid Marketing Plan And Marketing Team with requisite experience to increase the value and utility of our Project - Our current association and partnership with Top Influencers in African Movies on Social Media have combined followership of over 50,000,000 followers.


1 NOLLY = 0.000025 ETH

0.10 ETH [3,200 NOLLY]

Total Softcap ~ 2,000 ETH
Total Hardcap ~ 6,000 ETH

TOTAL OFFERED FOR SALE: 350,000, 00, 0 [70%]

  • Brainstorming Retreat and Idea , Generation: October 2017.
  • Concept Development: Nov/Dec, 2017.
  • White Paper Publication: February 10th, 2018.
  • Nollycoin Site, Ico Software and Nolly Wallet: February, 2oth 2018 Release of MVP Mockup – February 25th, 2018.
  • Initial Coin Offering: April 1st – 30th April 2018.
  • Nollycoin Public Launch: June 1st, 2018.
  • Listing of Nollycoin on Public Trading Exchanges [At Least 5]– June 1st.
  • Launching of Nollycoin Trading Platform [Nollytopia.Com): July 1st , 2018.
  • Commission And Aquisition of First Exclusive Movies/ TV Series For The NollyTV Platform 1st August - December 2018.
  • Nollycoin Acceptance On Partner Platforms Expansion Campaign: April – Dec 2018.
  • Official Launching NollyTV Blockchain Movie Sharing Platform with some great movies – Dec 1st, 2018.
  • Launching Of Nollycoin Mobile Tv: Dec 2018.
  • Theater Release of 1st Nollycoin Powered Original Movies In Theaters - Dec 25th.

For more information and updates on the project and its development, including many interesting details about team composition, support and technology, interested parties are invited to join the whitelist by filling out the appropriate forms on their site https://nollycoin.com/

Follow Us : 

Author : Ta.Form

Eth : 0xaFA49103b15834D6bCF6ac5a2664b0c85e379b4E

Kamis, 19 April 2018

NEBULA AI - Decentralized AI Blockchain

Hasil gambar untuk Bounty Nebula Al

What is Nebula AI ?

Nebula AI is a decentralized blockchain integrated with Artificial Intelligence and sharing economies,https://www.nebula-ai.com/whitepaper/NBAI_whitepaper_EN.pdf / More information.

With Nebula blockchain, developers can deploy their Artificial intelligence application easily on a blockchain environment. The integrated API/SDK and payment services allow the developers to earn revenue based on the AI smart contract.

Nebula AI also allows the GPU miners to contribute their GPU hash power to the AI computing which bring extra social benefits to society. This invention allows Nebula AI compete with the pricing of Amazon and Google cloud computing services,visit https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2928531.0

Quant AI

Quant AI is a Cryptocurrency Prediction System which can be used to predict the price and trend of Cryptocurrencies.

Users can trigger the process by choosing the customized training data set and training script. The price prediction is then calculated by the decentralized AI miner.

User will also need to pay a specific amount of tokens for the prediction service, which allows the developer to benefit from the application, based on smart contracts.
Converting your mining hash power to AI computing power 
Building your decentralized AI application faster
Costing 30% less to train your algorithm than Amazon GPU

NBAI Ecosystem

The NBAI ecosystem consists of two major components, the NBAI foundation and the NBAI system.

The NBAI foundation supports the development, operation, and management of blockchain development platforms, AI joint labs, and engineer training centers. NBAI system integrates the top-level applications such as DAI App, scientific research and application, university education, and the bottom-level of NBAI blockchain, Artificial Intelligence Mining Machine and Artificial Intelligence Data Center,Join to the Telegram Group https://t.me/NebulaAICommunity

Our Technology

With Nebula AI’s cutting-edge blockchain technology, you are able to focus on key business features.

Analyzing time series and training deep learning models based on AI algorithm to forecast the real-time trend and implement automatic trading of cryptocurrencies.

Building natural language processing algorithms on the blockchain allows the user to classify the polarity of a given text and extract the attitude of the writer. All sentences sent on the chain would be recorded.

By using multiple neural networks, Nebula AI receives and recognizes intelligible handwritten inputs such as characters, words, and phrases.


  • Q1 2017 Began to design concept, research, and explore the hyperledger.
  • Q3 2017 Developed the AI DAI APP and conceptual prototype.
  • Q1 2018 Started to sell tokens; Helix test chain went live.
  • Q3 2018 Helix public chain will go live, integrate the first DAI APP; start to develop the Orion and Orion prototype chain.
  • Q1 2019 Orion test chain will go live.
  • Q3 2019 Orion public chain will go live and integrate 10 DAI APPs.
  • Q1 2020 Orion will integrate 50 DAI APPs.
  • Q3 2020 Orion will integrate 500 DAI APPs.

Token Distribution




As the world’s first AI blockchain system, Nebula AI is dedicated to driving the advancement of artificial intelligence technologies, building a credible trust-based blockchain, creating social value and serving all of humanity. NBAI builds the next generation of AI blockchain infrastructure platform that enables developers in many industries to truly develop, compute and deploy artificial intelligence with high efficiency, low cost, safe and reliable, without worrying about the underlying development, system configuration and environment setup.

NBAI can be considered as a consensus system for decentralized data. As the value carrier, NBAI Tokens realize the value flow of artificial intelligence in NBAI ecosystem. Traditional Internet connection can solve the problem of data communication, while 47 NBAI further solves the problem of data consensus on the basis of traditional Internet. Compared with a large, centralized platform, NBAI can avoid data being stored or stolen by service providers and realize the public processing tasks while ensuring data privacy.

The rapid development of blockchain technology has made it possible to realize the digital credit society. NBAI will inject more fresh and vibrant blood into the development of global blockchain technology and look forward to pushing artificial intelligence, an important area where human society can change, to new heights.

Our Team
Our Advisors


For more information and updates, and development, nothing of interest from team composition, support and technology, interested parties are invited to join the whitelist with the appropriate list contained on its website https://www.nebula-ai.com/

Details Information : 

Official Website  : https://www.nebula-ai.com/

ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2928531.0

Telegram : https://t.me/NebulaAICommunity

Whitepaper : https://www.nebula-ai.com/whitepaper/NBAI_whitepaper_EN.pdf

Twitter : https://twitter.com/nebula_ai

Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/NebulaAI?_rdc=1&_rdr

Github : https://github.com/nebulaai

Author : Ta.Form

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350

Eth Address : 0xaFA49103b15834D6bCF6ac5a2664b0c85e379b4E

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