Senin, 16 Juli 2018

Agro Tech Farm - The world ecosystem of natural plant food

ATF farms is the world's first appliances production of which will be launched based on crowd investments through the blockchain platform. ATF farms facilitate growth of tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, cannabis, and other plants. ATF equipment users unite in a single system of producers of organic products and consumers,visit more information.

The aim of the project is to make it possible for everyone to eat organic food and stop pollution of the Earth with chemicals of agriculture, by creating a mass production of ATF equipment for home and industrial year-round plant growing in enclosed spaces using the developed technology of automatic, thrifty growing for consumers around the world. For this, we have developed a concept for the creation of a global ecosystem of healthy food in which all users who want to consume or buy products grown by ATF equipment will be united.


Historically, the company was formed in 2012 from a group of people with experience in various fields of activity, where each person is a specialist in his field. The team includes specialists from the areas of plant growing, agronomy, agrochemistry, programming, design, management,marketing,
government and finance. This allowed us to create a strong team of like-minded people and to develop a unique product for 5 years of painstaking work.

Since 2012 we have been developing and experimenting with growing various crops based on hydroponics, aeroponics and drip irrigation. With our developments we took part in the innovative exhibition in Skolkovo and won the prize. In 2014 we received our first patent for a model for growing plants by hydroponics, in which the principle of rational use of the area of the premises was realized.

The focus of the company was the creation of automated industrial equipment for the cultivation of tomatoes and peppers. The first prototype was created, which had artificial lighting and auto watering. Its dimensions were large, but the number of seats was not. Then there was an idea to make the equipment compact for use at home. So there were first prototypes of ATF home equipment.

In 2016 an expensive equipment was purchased to create our own large phyto laboratory in order to study the physiology of plants and improve the consumer qualities of the products. At this stage, the cultivation of strawberries, lettuce, arugula, basil and other greens has been specifically studied. In 2017 fully automated systems for growing crops were introduced and three additional applications for patents were filed, which are currently being registered.

Specialists of the company regularly participate in thematic scientific and business conferences, conduct training courses. One of the successfully implemented projects is the creation of a business for mobile production of fresh, environmentally friendly micro-greenery in several cities.

To date, we have a pre-production version of ATF Home. In the third quarter of 2018, we plan to produce a fully finished model for sale. We plan to attract investors' funds within the framework of the ICO. After the ICO, which ends on July 31, 2013, the serial production of ATF Home is launched.

 Entering the US and Canada markets is planned before the end of 2018, parallel to the start of sales of equipment in Europe. The launch of the production of the industrial plant will begin after the tests, which we plan to complete before the end of 2018. ATF Industrial equipment is planned to be supplied all over the world, especially in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions.

What is AgroTechFarm ???

AgroTechFarm is a fully automated intelligent device for growing natural food. ATF will provide you with fresh organic vegetables, berries, and greens throughout the year, without chemicals, and regardless of your climate conditions. ATF is on the mission to supply the world with healthy food.

Agro Tech Farm trusts that with a strong and dependable group and framework, Agro Tech Farm can give Users, an Indoor Farm Platform, which is protected and ground-breaking and gives the Users differing advantages and accommodations. Agro Tech Farm group additionally trusts that with precise and proficient advancement, Agro Tech Farm Team can manufacture a superior stage than a comparative stage.

Our ultimate goal is to scan grow conditions of every edible plant species on Earth and facilitate its recreation with ATF. The device will be launched in production late in August 2018, regardless of the ICO results.

Problems with today's agriculture include :
  • inability to efficiently operate in averse climate conditions of Africa, Alaska, Middle East, and several other regions;
  • increasing shortage of fertile soil globally;
  • expensive logistics;
  • quality issues due to the shipping time and distance;
  • a lot of workforce required to produce;
  • dependency on the season;
  • widely spread use of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals.
  • As a result, fresh organic vegetables and greens are expensive and sometimes even inaccessible for end consumers.

One of the solutions actively discussed in the world community and which has found many followers was the idea of vertical farms proposed by Professor Dickson Despommier. The essence of the idea is to grow plants directly next to the end user, namely in the city. The multi-story building has several floors, it is fully automated and serviced by a small number of staff. On each floor, a wide range of plant products is grown by hydroponics, aeroponics or drip irrigation, which is subsequently collected, packaged by personnel and sent to the end consumer to shops, markets,restaurants and other places. However, despite all the innovation and effectiveness of the idea, years must pass
before the decisive moment comes and the idea comes to life after long testing.

The ATF technology combines hydroponics (water), aeroponics (wind), heating and controlled light (sun) to imitate the perfect climatic conditions for the growth of a certain plant variety, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, rucola, strawberries, cannabis, and more. There are only two resources required to have fresh, organic food all year round with ATF: water and electricity. By leveraging the combination of technologies, ATF achieves a 30% quicker growth without the use of chemicals or other unhealthy practices. The process is fully automated: you simply add seeds (like you fill coffee beans in a coffee machine), nutrient solutions (similarly to adding laundry liquid in a washing machine), and get the crops in when the time comes. The technology is designed for private, commercial, and industrial use. By introducing blockchain, we as a manufacturer will guarantee end consumers the organic origin of produce sold by retailers equipped with ATF.

The main advantages of Agro Tech Farm for users and investors are as follows :
  • A truly technological and automated growth process without human participation;
  • Ability to install iOS and Android apps to monitor processes and dynamics;
  • No need to use any chemicals. The culture is delicious, beautiful and fresh without the involvement of pesticides;
  • The system independently conducts climate control, depending on the surrounding conditions and types of plants;
  • The crop cycle is significantly reduced;
  • The manufacturer provides 2-year warranty for Agro Tech Farm purchase;
  • Very easy to use even for inexperienced users;
  • The design is stylish and ergonomic, so now you do not have to hide the device in the garage or pantry.
  • Smart farm
A smart farming system with AgroTechFarm facilitates the automated growth of vegetables and greens. It naturally provides perfect conditions for a specific plant culture throughout the entire growth cycle. The system is operated via a built-in touch screen and desktop and mobile app.
  • 100% natural
The full quality control system allows you to monitor the use of mineral supplements and make the introduction of unhealthy substances impossible.
  • Unique plant species
By accurately emulating authentic climate conditions, the technology behind AgroTechFarm allows you to grow unique species that previously could only be cultivated in specific regions. We will scan grow conditions for every edible plant species on Earth and facilitate their recreation within ATF.
  • Cost-efficient business model
AgroTechFarm cuts logistics costs by allowing you to raise vegetables and greens wherever you are. Thanks to its automation, the grow cabinet requires only a few personnel to run it. Multiple level structure can be used to harvest much more from 1 sq. m. as compared to the traditional growing methods.
  • Blockchain
Blockchain will secure the transparency and immutability of the information from the sensors and the database of sets of grow conditions for each specific plant variety. This will guarantee that the vegetables and greens raised with AgroTechFarm are organic, chemical-free, and have authentic eating qualities.

Why Blockchain?

The blockchain is an undeniably ingenious invention – the brainchild of a person or group of people known by the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto. But since then, it has evolved into something greater, and right now the main question every single person is asking is: What is Blockchain? By allowing digital information to be distributed but not copied, blockchain technology created the backbone of a new type of internet,visit
Originally devised for the digital currency, Bitcoin, the tech community is now finding other potential uses for the technology. Bitcoin has been called “digital gold,” and for a good reason. To date, the total value of the currency is close to $ 285 billion US. And blockchains can make other types of digital value.


Agro Tech Farm believes that with a solid and dependable team and system, Agro Tech Farm can provide Users, an Indoor Farming Platform, that is safe, robust and provides Users with a variety of benefits and conveniences. Agro Tech Farm team also believes that with systematic and professional development, the Agro Tech Farm team can build a better platform than similar platforms.


Running a business process, implementing the first ideas and experiments.

Submission of documents for obtaining a patent, testing of installations and modernization

Obtaining a patent, the first participation in thematic exhibitions.

The beginning of the development of the first system of automation of the growing process, testing of growth regimes.

A prototype of the Home series was developed for growing tall plants by hydroponics.

Conducting tests of the equipment of the Home series, modernization of technological units and software.

They created the design of the equipment, presented it at the exhibitions, received the first interested clients and small investors.

We launched the cultivation and sale to consumers of micro greenery under the "Organic greens"brand.

Preparation of the project for ICO

Developed a pre-series model of the ATF-Home Series equipment, testing is in progress.

Q1-2 2018
Conducting of ICO

Q3 2018
Launching the production of the Home series of equipment, creating a prototype of the Industrial series for business.

Q4 2018
The official start of sales of equipment.

Q1 2019
Launching a demonstration industrial farm.

Q2 2019
Presentation of equipment at international exhibitions.

Q2 2013
Expansion of sales areas of equipment, increase sales worldwide.

Q4 2019
Development and creation of the first prototype of a complex for growing plants by the aquaponics method,testing the system.

Installation of industrial farms around the world in places with unfavorable climatic conditions

Development of equipment for growing crops in conditions close to Mars, developing a method of a closed production cycle under conditions of weightlessness.

Creation of a prototype and testing of new developments, modernization of methods and technological nodes.

Delivery of installations to Mars together with Elon Mask

ICO Details

Token Name             =   Agro Tech Farm

Ticker Symbol          =   ATF

Platform                   =    Ethereum

Token type                =    ERC20

Token Price               =   1 ATF = 0.012 ETH

Token Sale                =   June 1, 2018 – July 31, 2018

Total Token Amount =    Up to 5,000,000

ICO Soft Cap            =   1,600 ETH

ICO Hard Cap           =  40,000 ETH

Maximum tokens distributed via ICO =     3,250,000 ATF

Minimum token purchase                       = No limit

Maximum token purchase                       = No limit

Eligibility                                                 = Anyone except permanent residents of the US due to 
legal restrictions or trade sanctions.

ICO Smart Contract                                 =  Mintable


We will refund ICO purchases if the soft sap (the minimum of 1,600 ETH in raised funds) is not reached.



For more information, please join us in Telegram group

Follow Us On : 

Telegram :

Username : Ta.Form

Eth Address : 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B

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