Selasa, 17 Juli 2018

ApolloChain – a Platform New Era For Trade in Energy Resources

The project is incredibly interesting, the developers of the ApolloChain platform decided to use Blochein technology, which has a lot of advantages. Today, decentralized platforms that work with intellectual contracts are popular in many industries – an excellent opportunity to provide users with optimal conditions for cooperation, to guarantee the security of all transactions that are being performed. ApolloChain promises to become a competent solution for the energy resources trading segment.

What is Apollochain ???

ApolloChain uses Blockchain 3.0 technology to create its original design. On the way to all world economic markets, Apollochain can be implemented in countries and regions through existing means and resources to create the public, can be a retailer, business or individual electricity, for direct communication of the sector, reduces the cost of capital integration and including the loss of the state. In this case, the intelligent network and IoT (internet content), Ar (artificial intelligence) and blockcheyn technology are crucial for achieving all these goals (including the "energy internet").

Intelligent intelligence allows you to manage needs and can also be used in an integrated organization by connecting with people from the environment side by side. In addition, the meter (Smart Meter) requires a large number of plug-ins to provide information on the use of force and human use. Based on these reports, intelligent communication, analysis of electricity, real estate, electricity, etc., can reduce costs and improve electricity suppliers. more efficient use of electricity,visit more information.

Philosophy of the project

Renewable energy sources are an innovation that is being actively used today to generate electricity. This industry is developing very rapidly. China, as well as the United States, are the real mastodons of this segment – they use all the possibilities of solar energy to generate electricity. The production of solar energy required serious expenses, but today the price of equipment has become affordable – this is directly related to the emergence of new companies that also want to start earning in this segment. The energy market is also developing rapidly, new technologies are emerging, which open up incredible opportunities for users. ApolloChain is the most promising solution, which promises to be revolutionary for the energy segment.

Platform Features

ApolloChain allows all participants in the electricity trade process to perform the necessary transactions in the best possible way, safely and quickly. At the level of this platform, suppliers can directly work with consumers, offering them various services in the electricity trade segment. If the parties manage to agree – in the future, the security of the transaction will be guaranteed by an intellectual contract. All data is stored in the blockroom, such a decentralized platform allows you to protect users from the loss of information or funds in another fraudulent scheme. That’s why investors consider ApolloChain to be really promising – the platform is able to solve all the problems that exist today in the electricity trade segment.

Special opportunities open up to consumers who are going to use ApolloChain. Developers have added artificial intelligence, which allows to analyze the market, to offer the most profitable solutions. The smart meter counts the data to determine the optimal use of electricity in a particular situation. The consumer receives all the necessary information, can regularly monitor the updating of prices, select the most beneficial for cooperation proposals.

How ApolloChain works smart contracts for the trading platform for energy

The company has a device called the ApolloChain Smart Meter, also known as SOL. It uses power line communication technology to transmit data via a power cable that sends energy and encrypted information to the user. The device uses AI and smart contracts to work.

The main features of SOL are works in the frequency band from 10 kHz to 490 kHz, with a maximum coverage of 6 kilometers, in support of the LOADng protocol and the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol,visit


Why new energy

Renewable generation is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. In 2016, the total installed capacity of photovoltaic (PV) power plants worldwide exceeds 65 GW with a growth of 32%, while the accumulated installed capacity approaches 300 GW with an increase of 35%. As the two major players in the solar industry, the US solar market has annual growth of 78%, and China is experiencing similarly the flowering of solar energy by about 30 GW of installed capacity.

In the meantime, the costs of generating solar energy have continued to fall as a result of competition between equipment manufacturers: 18% reduction on worldwide energy costs (LCOE) was achieved in 2016 in 2015 and was finally maintained at $ 100 / MWh .

While in the stored solar energy, according to KPMG's research, new capacity of PV plant is growing and will grow by significantly 330% growth from 111.68GW in 2012 to 3695.64GW in 2040

Existing problems

Electricity is a very demanded commodity, but trade is carried out exclusively by centralized organizations. In addition to these, a few more outside agencies – insurance, leasing, and the like – are required to ensure the quality and security of all transactions. This allows us to identify a number of existing problems:

Transactional processes are too slow, they are overloaded with information, which makes it impossible to execute transactions as quickly and correctly as possible;

Huge costs associated with security;

Availability of additional payments to third parties;

The problem with the quality of transactions, a huge number of existing fraudulent schemes.

But ApolloChain promises to become a real panacea for such a promising segment.

Future five-year appointment.


1. Complete the smart measurement technique
2. Start the primary Microgrid project in Australia
3. Access information about PV drives and start APP testing


1. Install the pilot of the smart meter
2. View the transactions for Microgrid comes
3. Launch of Phoebus Energy Mercantilism Platform and perform the primary electrical transactions on the mainet between PV powerhouse homeowners and electricity customers.


1. expansion and development of API
2. on-line business reseller unit
3. Start the pilot project with the mercantilism of carbon


1. Promotion of the Microgrid project widely in the Australia and Australia region
2. Building a worldwide electricity network
3. Broad-based demand-driven government management on the part of the government in areas where Phoebus is present and active


1. performing periodic residential power transactions within the international wholesale market
2. Develop charge heap for energy units & UAV charge air dream with AI technology and connect to Apollochain.

Token ApolloChain - APL

In this platform a token was created with the name Apollo Coin (APL). The APL token function is like electronic proof of energy transactions that are carried out via smart electricity networks. The number of APL tokens distributed is positively related to the amount of available and traded electricity. This means that the APL token is gradually opened and distributed, in accordance with the current transaction request.

Besides that APL is used for trade between energy producers and consumers, it can also be traded for cryptic changes. Users will likely buy and store an APL token when the price of electricity in the market is low. Then sell it when the price of electricity goes up. Conditions that also indirectly help to stabilize the demand and the price of the APL token on the secondary market.
To store APL tokens, ApolloChain also supplied the ApolloChain wallet that you can get here.

about ICO ApolloChain

The total number of tokens that has been created amounts to 100,000,000 APL.
The pre-ICO ApolloChain phase runs from 5 May 2018 to 15 June 2018. The minimum target for that phase is approximately USD 500,000, while the maximum target is approximately USD 1 million.
ICO Apollochain will be announced further with regard to the sales phase of the public token. The minimum target in the ICO phase is approximately USD 8 million and a maximum target of approximately USD 20 million.

Based on what is written in the whitepaper, the following is the distribution of the APL token:

  • 40% divided into ICO ApolloChain
  • 5% for community benefits
  • 20% for PR and marketing
  • 30% for the Founding Team
  • 5% for activities of the Apollo Foundation

The ApolloChain team

This company was founded by an entrepreneur named Craig Nalder, who has been working in the energy sector for more than 20 years. Other members are Peter Turnbull (technical partner), Charles Allen (COO) and Roman Voloshin (sales director).

The most important advisors are Synth (founder of Skycoin), Daniel Lightwing (co-founder of Castella Research) and Kaicheng Wu (VP of Haitong Securities). The main partners of the company are Skycoin, Gravitas Energy, Caara Solar and PNB Renewables India.


Apollochain helps avoid and manage the risks, guaranteeing the least losses and danger within the network, disseminating measurements and implementing peer-to-peer knowledge accuracy checking. Interference characteristics ensure that knowledge can not be falsified and guarantee a safe and clear method of energy trade. Together they ensure safe and economical addition of small networks in an exceptionally localized market and support the time period of energy trade.

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Username : Ta.Form

Profile Link :;u=1109350

Eth Address : 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B

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