URUNIT New Era in Gambling Industry,The only gambling platform 100% managed by its community. Players control the house, host all the games and receive most of the profit.
Find out more Website and Whitepaper
URUN token holders’ benefits
Here is the list of URUN token holder’s benefits:
- Participation in daily jackpots (fund - 40% of URUN tokens, collected by the platformduring the day)
- Participation in weekly jackpots (fund - 15% of URUN tokens, collected by theplatform during the week)
- Participation in monthly jackpots (fund - 15% of URUN tokens, collected by theplatform during the month)
- Constant growth in demand for tokens
- Place leasing
- Purchase of services on the platform
- Rank trading
- Possibility to use tokens as game currency within the platform
- Access to beta-testing of the games (closed testing before release)
- Possibility to sell tokens on the largest cryptoexchanges
1.Players control everything
Absolutelly all games, card tables, poker rooms, tournaments, slot machines, lotteries, etc. in casino are controlled by the players themselves. Each game is hosted by a certain player.
2.Game leasing
This player determines parameters of the game or tournament he is hosting and becomes the owner of the game for the time being. Let's say, each game is leased to one of the players for a nominal fee.
3.Daily drawings
The easiest way to give each user the opportunity to become the owner of the game is drawing of the lots. Drawings are held automatically. The winner should pay a small fee in URUN tokens to confirm his/her right to own the game.
4.Monitoring & Moderation
During this lease, the owner of the game not only monitors what is going on, but also performs basic functions of a moderator.
At the end of this period, the owner of the game receives most of the profit generated during his lease.
6.Player's rank
The more often the user plays and the bigger his bets, the higher is his rank. And the higher is the player's rank, the more chances he has to become the owner of the game.
Find us on Exchanges
We have already signed agreements with Bancor and Latoken and URUN token will be listed on these exchanges right after ICO is finished. And that is just the beginning, more negotiations are in process.Visit here https://www.urunit.io/
More Awesome Features
What a player can do with his right to host a game
- He can host the game and receive the profit generated during his lease
- He can sell this right to other players (fixed price, auction or lottery)
- He can use this right as a bet or buy-in for some games
What a player can do with his rank
- He can sell his rank to other players (fixed price, auction or lottery)
- He can use his rank as a bet or buy-in for some games
Private games
Every user can create his own private games and give the access to them to his friends and acquaintances. All private games are accessible only by invitation.Join our telegram https://t.me/urunit
70% of all URUN tokens are collected by platform will be used in daily, weekly and monthly jackpot drawings. Every user who deposited certain amount of URUN tokens to his account or has a certain rank is eligible for jackpot.
First Gambling Platform
with Constantly Decreasing Amount of Tokens
URUN tokens issued during the ICO are the only tokens which will be issued by U Run It. No URUN tokens will be issued after ICO.
0.5% of every transactions when paying for the services on the platform made in URUN tokens is "burnt". Consider URUN tokens as "fuel" for the platform transactions processing. This "burning process" is regulated by smart contracts on the blockchain.
It means the number of URUN tokens available will constantly decrease.
Read Whitepaper https://www.urunit.io/docs/whitepaper_eng.pdf
Why should you buy URUN tokens?
- Limited offer
- Jackpot drawings
- Compliance with regulations
- Constant demand for tokens
- Technical excellence
Token Description
Details Information :
Website : https://www.urunit.io/
Whitepaper : https://www.urunit.io/docs/whitepaper_eng.pdf
Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3396208
Telegram : https://t.me/urunit
Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/urunit?_rdc=1&_rdr
Twitter : https://twitter.com/URUNIT_IO
Username : Ta.Form
Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1109350
Eth : 0x039D32bC40eC50E659885199C8bF29eC9d86026B
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